Self-indulgent parents name daughter Pennsylvania, flip out when she changes it and keeps it a secret for 5 years: ‘My parents insisted that everybody was to call me by my full name’

Choosing your child’s name is one of the first major responsibilities that you have as a parent. While other decisions that you make may have more of an impact on how they develop as a person, it can’t be forgotten that they will have to sit with whatever collection of letters you most enjoyed when …
Seguir leyendo Self-indulgent parents name daughter Pennsylvania, flip out when she changes it and keeps it a secret for 5 years: ‘My parents insisted that everybody was to call me by my full name’

‘What a satisfying text it was to receive’: Petty ex-wife signs ex-husband up for T-ball coaching duty, gets her just desserts

The politics behind children’s sports teams are more complicated than the political systems of most nations. Take a bunch of parents with varied interests, interpersonal drama of their own, and a desire to live vicariously through their children, and you have a recipe for drama. That’s why shows like Dance Moms and Toddlers and Tiaras make for such riveting television. They feature …
Seguir leyendo ‘What a satisfying text it was to receive’: Petty ex-wife signs ex-husband up for T-ball coaching duty, gets her just desserts

The Wildest Parenting Texts of the Week (April 30, 2024)

Every family group chat is an entirely different space. If your family isn’t talking to each other regularly, it might be challenging to conceptualize what exactly families are texting each other day in and day out. My family group chat is pretty low-key. We send each other pictures of the dogs, the occasional meme, and …
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The Wildest Parenting Posts of the Week (April 29, 2024)

I’m obsessed with parents who think their babies are geniuses. It makes sense why a mother who spends 24 hours a day with her kid might come to that conclusion, especially if they pass developmental milestones with flashing colors. Everyone thinks their kid is much more special than they objectively are, and there’s nothing wrong …
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Parents charge 16-year-old $300 in rent, retaliate when he asserts his independence: ‘They’re trying to have it both ways’

Living at home can be a blessing and a curse. You get to be close to your family and receive their support, but it usually comes at a price (like micromanaging, or struggling with independence). Defining one’s relationship with their parents as one gets older is a tough terrain to navigate. Parents sometimes have difficulty …
Seguir leyendo Parents charge 16-year-old $300 in rent, retaliate when he asserts his independence: ‘They’re trying to have it both ways’

35 of the Funniest Parenting Tweets of the Week (April 25, 2024)

Baby fever is real. You can go your whole life not thinking babies are cute, and then see one video of a baby hearing his mother’s voice for the first time (using a hearing aid) and suddenly you’re roaming the halls of Buy Buy Baby, picking up little socks just to feel something. It happens to the strongest of …
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The Wildest Parenting Texts of the Week (April 23, 2024)

When I think of the ultimate parenting failure, I think of Billy Bigelow. He is the protagonist (and antagonist) of the musical Carousel, and ding dong, does he have high highs and low lows. He finds out his wife (whom he constantly mistreats) is pregnant, steals money to provide for his future child, and ends …
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The Wildest Parenting Posts of the Week (April 22, 2024)

I do not envy mothers who post their experiences online just to be judged for every move they make. I know I am part of this problem (don’t shoot the messenger), but I am constantly amazed at how many moms get eviscerated online for doing totally innocuous things I would never bat an eye at. …
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‘They refuse to acknowledge the marriage’: Parents shun son’s wife because they eloped in Vegas, gets banned from their grandkid’s birthday party until they accept her

Eloping can be a dangerous game. If you decide to marry someone you met approximately three days ago, Kim Kardashian style, at a chapel in Vegas, don’t be surprised if you’re googling «annulment» three days later. That is what most people think of when «eloping» comes to mind, but it’s the exception, not the rule …
Seguir leyendo ‘They refuse to acknowledge the marriage’: Parents shun son’s wife because they eloped in Vegas, gets banned from their grandkid’s birthday party until they accept her

16-year-old graciously cooks his family’s nightly dinner, stops when his dad and siblings incessantly criticize his meals: ‘Too spicy, wanted rice instead of noodles, didn’t want soup’

There are some household duties that typically constitute a kid’s chores; cleaning your room, taking out the trash, and doing the dishes are chores kids of any age can do. Cooking dinner every night for your entire family is typically not one of them, but that was a chore assigned to a 16-year-old boy with …
Seguir leyendo 16-year-old graciously cooks his family’s nightly dinner, stops when his dad and siblings incessantly criticize his meals: ‘Too spicy, wanted rice instead of noodles, didn’t want soup’