28 of the Funniest Parenting Tweets of the Week (May 9, 2024)

Every age is a new battle. When they’re infants, it’s all about keeping them alive. When they’re toddlers, it’s all about keeping them alive. When they’re teenager, it’s all about keeping them… alive. Huh, I guess maybe it’s the same at every age. But watching a kid grow can be a trippy experience. One minute, they’re …
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‘You’re done destroying my house’: Woman’s Sister Allows Her Kids to Run Wild During Family Dinners, Husband Finally Has Enough

Family dinners are a spectacle to behold, or at least, they are in my family. My sibling’s kids run about with their iPads and smart phones, playing sometimes with toys but mostly throwing them at the wall. My siblings turn a blind eye because honestly, they haven’t read Parenting 101, and they don’t have great …
Seguir leyendo ‘You’re done destroying my house’: Woman’s Sister Allows Her Kids to Run Wild During Family Dinners, Husband Finally Has Enough

The Wildest Parenting Texts of the Week (May 7, 2024)

Every parent has a different level of involvement in their kid’s life once they become adults. Some adult children call their parents multiple times a day, consulting them on every decision they make, whether it’s big or small. Some parents still provide housing and food for their kids years after graduating high school or college. …
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‘Horrible for me to watch, but necessary for him to grow up’: Dad notices his son forgot his school project at home, intentionally doesn’t remind him

Sometimes in your childhood, your parents aren’t there to help you. If you forget your homework at home and your mom and dad work downtown an hour away from school, they probably won’t be able to run home and get it. Even when you have a stay-at-home mom, she might feel conflicted about driving to …
Seguir leyendo ‘Horrible for me to watch, but necessary for him to grow up’: Dad notices his son forgot his school project at home, intentionally doesn’t remind him

The Most Entertaining Parenting Posts of the Week (May 6, 2024)

We’ve been making entertainment spectacles out of lousy parenting for at least as long as I’ve been alive. As a kid, I was intrigued and compelled by the TV program Supernanny. For those of you living under a rock, Supernanny follows a British nanny named Jo, who helps families with poorly behaved children. Sometimes, the …
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UPDATE: After ripping a ‘gifted’ check of $40,000 and cutting off contact with his parents, kid fakes reconciliation only to take the money and move far away

The college student who had made parents and kids question their relationships is back with an update, and the family drama continues. In his original Reddit post, OP (original poster), wrote about how his parents have made him pay rent in their home for four years of college, causing him to have no social life …
Seguir leyendo UPDATE: After ripping a ‘gifted’ check of $40,000 and cutting off contact with his parents, kid fakes reconciliation only to take the money and move far away

‘What did I do to deserve a fat kid?’: Former children share insults their parents said that still stick with them

When you’re a kid, you hang onto your parent’s every word. Unlike a fellow child or a random stranger, the things your parents say to you stick whether you remember exactly what they said or not. If your parents praised you when you succeeded and encouraged you when you failed, you are probably still benefitting …
Seguir leyendo ‘What did I do to deserve a fat kid?’: Former children share insults their parents said that still stick with them

Wealthy mom refuses to celebrate all 3 of her kid’s birthdays individually, dad disagrees: ‘She gets super spoiled for her birthday, Christmas and Mother’s Day’

When you’re a kid, your birthday is the most important thing in the world. You spend months tossing and turning about the theme of your party, and once it finally arrives, you can’t contain your excitement. The best thing about your childhood birthday is that the day is truly all about you, and nobody can …
Seguir leyendo Wealthy mom refuses to celebrate all 3 of her kid’s birthdays individually, dad disagrees: ‘She gets super spoiled for her birthday, Christmas and Mother’s Day’

30+ of the Funniest Parenting Tweets of the Week (May 2, 2024)

There seem to be a few inevitables in this life (like death and taxes, famously), but one of them is turning into your parents. You can go your whole life trying to do the exact opposite of the people who raised you, but one day you’ll find yourself holding your phone a full arm’s length from your …
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‘I got scolded for letting a 2-year-old nap’: Parents demand pre-school teacher stop their kids from napping, claims it makes bedtime too difficult

I don’t envy parents trying to ensure their young children get the perfect number of hours of sleep every night. If they sleep too little, they will be grouchy and borderline evil the next day. If they get too much sleep, they will bounce off the walls and be unable to sit still during their …
Seguir leyendo ‘I got scolded for letting a 2-year-old nap’: Parents demand pre-school teacher stop their kids from napping, claims it makes bedtime too difficult