30 of the Funniest Parenting Tweets of the Week (April 4, 2024)

Being a parent is all about picking your battles. When you’re not a parent, you imagine how you’ll have all the answers. You have ideas about being the perfect parent, having everything go your way, and not letting your kids get away with anything you don’t want them to. Life, though, is messy and unpredictable. …
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40+ of the Freshest and Funniest Tweets of the Week (March 30, 2024)

Tweet it once, shame on you for assuming I’ll read it. Tweet it twice, shame on me for not noticing you stole it. Tweet it and delete it, shame on all of us. The tweet and delete is a tried and true tactic of cowards the world over. You want to get something off your …
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20+ Midwest Memes for Nice Folks Who Say Ope (March 29, 2024)

Nothing quite like springtime in the Midwest. The sun threatens to shine, the pollen is annoying the heck out of everyone, and you’re remembering just how pale your legs are as you put on shorts for the first time in months. I like to think of it as the great de-thawing.  On the first warm …
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45+ of the Freshest and Funniest Tweets of the Week (March 23, 2024)

We all know what doom scrolling is by now. It’s that feeling when you’re stuck in an endless cycle of negativity online, unable to look away, much like a car accident. But I think it’s about time we introduce other types of scrolling. What about hungry scrolling? I do that when I’m about ready for …
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27 Memes That Take Lemons and Make Lemonade

When life gives you memes, you say «Thank you for the memes, life.» I’m all for looking at the glass and calling it half full. It’s more fun than calling it half-empty. Sure, life can be annoying and painful and most of all boring, but there are always little things to celebrate. Like today, the …
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An Assemblage of Perfectly Acceptable Memes

Something I’d never thought I’d miss about high school but it turns out I actually do: assembly. That tradition in the mornings when we’d get together in the auditorium and there’d be an array of announcements, need-to-knows, and the occasional performance. There was something nice about knowing what everyone was up to. I liked knowing …
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50 of the Freshest and Funniest Tweets of the Week (March 16, 2024)

The Oscars were this week, which is one of the best times to be on Twitter. I always watch it every year with a group of friends, and the best part is hearing everyone’s jokes. It’s one of those rare monoculture events that gives everyone common ground to make jokes about. There’s always some line …
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30+ of the Funniest Parenting Tweets of the Week (March 14, 2024)

Parenting is an Olympic-level sport. It requires great feats of stamina, engineering, and functioning on as little sleep as humanly possible. I don’t think anyone would say it’s easy unless you have a team of nannies and a fleet of housekeepers. Even then, they will come up to you and say «Mommy, where do babies …
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45+ of the Freshest and Funniest Tweets of the Week (March 9, 2024)

The best thing about Twitter is that you don’t have to be on it in order to reap its benefits. Case and point: this meme list. All the hard work is done for you and you get to just sit back, relax, and only take in the content worth taking in. Let me tell you, …
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30 Memes That Take a Good Thing and Make It Better

You know the saying «You can’t have too much of a good thing?» That’s something I wholeheartedly believe in. I’m a believer that more is more, when it comes to friends, knick-knacks, and grated parmesan on top of my bowl of pasta. Sure, there’s such a thing as overindulgence, but I think it’s better to …
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