A Rainbow of Colorful Memes to Enjoy on a Rainy Day

Another week has started, and everyone is settling back at the office. There is a lot of talk about the 9-5 grind, and whether or not it is the best or the most productive way to work. Many people would gladly trade their ordinary office jobs to become independent and set their office hours for …
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A Ray of Sunshine in the Form of Memes to Start the Week With a Warm Welcome

After three weeks of non-stop rain (at least where I live), the sun has finally come out, and it is glorious. Usually, this time of year is actually my favorite, but I have learned that it really depends on where I live. Up until 6 months ago, I lived in a city that had really …
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A Delicious Dish of Dopamine in the Form of Memes

It’s the first week of February, and you know what that means? It means everything is going to be hearts and love-themed until the end of the month. Oh yes, Valentine’s Day is fast approaching and it is all we’re going to hear about for the next couple of weeks. I was never big on …
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A Backpack Full of Random Memes to Take With You to Work

This January feels like the longest month ever, I cannot believe it is not over yet. I know we’re all supposed to still maintain the new year energy at least until the end of the first month, but I have to be honest, it has been a struggle. Every Monday that comes along and is …
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A Rollercoaster of Relatable Memes to Take You Through the Ride of Your Life

One of the traditions we have here in the Cheezburger office is that whenever a new editor joins the team they are asked to share what their favorite meme is and why. When I joined the team, I found this task to be a lot harder than I expected. There are so many iconic memes …
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A Playlist of Relatable Memes to Create a Soundtrack to Your Life

This morning someone at work made the «I haven’t seen you since last year!» joke, and that officially kickstarted 2024 for me. Each new year that comes I make ridiculous and completely unrealistic New Year’s resolutions that I manage to follow for about a month before I give up and go back to my boring …
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25+ Hilariously Odd Reasons Why Job Applicants Were Rejected

Have you ever had a job door slammed in your face for a reason so outlandish it left you questioning if hiring managers were consulting a Magic 8-Ball? Well, welcome to the club. Over on Reddit’s r/antiwork subreddit, job seekers have been exchanging stories of rejections that are exceptionally absurd. In this treasure trove of …
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Ridiculously Relatable Lamentations of 20+ ‘Things That Have Gotten Out of Hand’

The world is a crazy place– Some might even call it a dystopia. What a delightful age to be alive! It seems like the more people we have on this planet, the more likely we are to run into some wacky things. Humanity isn’t inherently bad, per se, but we are inherently cuckoo. So with …
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‘The in-network option is a helicopter and I live 3 miles by the road from the hospital’: Person Stands Up to Unreasonable Insurance Company By Suggesting a Bill for an Emergency Helicopter Ride

It’s difficult to imagine something more insidious, unreasonable, and unhelpful than American health insurance services. If you’re an American, I don’t need to remind you. For those of you who live anywhere else, it is so much worse than what you’re assuming. In my experience, my first response to any illness or injury is to …
Seguir leyendo ‘The in-network option is a helicopter and I live 3 miles by the road from the hospital’: Person Stands Up to Unreasonable Insurance Company By Suggesting a Bill for an Emergency Helicopter Ride

Cat Owner Knocks Over A Plant Then Sprays Themselves With Water To Show That ‘The Law Applies To Everyone’, The Internet Reacts Hilariously (Tweets)

We, cat owners, grow to do quite a few strange things for our cats over time. We don’t do it on purpose! Sometimes, we don’t even notice ourselves doing those things. It’s just that… our cats are weird, and they are our masters, and therefore, with time, we become weird as well. We have full …
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