30 Times Lads on the Internet Were Delightfully Mad

Chaotically good trolls. There aren’t many of them out there… most trolls use their powers for evil, but some good ones manage to crop up every now and then, and they deserve to be celebrated. Like the court jesters of yore, they’re brave fools who will risk everything for a good joke. For this brand of devilish …
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‘Happy New Year, the misery never ends’: The cringiest cringe pics of the week (January 3, 2024)

The act of cringing might only last a moment, but cringe itself lasts a lifetime. As much as we’d like to deny it, we’re still thinking about a few select moments from our younger years that we can’t help but cringe about. For me, it’s throwing up on the school bus leaving my 8th-grade field …
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‘I wasn’t even given a single shift’: Hotel chain fires employee before they start

Getting fired can send you into a spiral of self-doubt. Even if you feel justified in your actions, you can’t help but feel the bruise to your ego. What’s worse, though, is losing a job and not knowing why. One of my friends was fired from a job with very little notice or forewarning, leaving …
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The Dating Green Flags That Appear Red at First Glance

When you first meet someone, it can sometimes feel like a game of balancing green and red flags. They love to read? Green flag. The only thing they read is Reddit threads? Red flag. They’re a dog person? Green flag. They let their dog eat out of their mouth? One man’s green, another man’s red. …
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‘Your DIL is quite the entitled gold (or emerald) digger’: Bratty fiancé demands mother in law’s expensive ring

Jewelry, throughout history, has held untold significance. Think of the hope diamond or the heart of the ocean. Decades-long epics have been launched from their shiny depths! Something about certain rocks’ glittering glow brings out the magpie in all of us. People go crazy over pretty shiny things. Jewelry can also hold special meaning for …
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Greedy Company Preposterously Asks Employees for Donations for Owner’s Holiday Gift

‘Tis the season for gift giving. For some, it’s the highlight of the holidays. A chance to make manifest the love you feel for those around you. For others, it’s an annual scourge. It can be difficult to find the right gift for everyone and not break the bank while doing so. And the pressure …
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The Cringiest Parenting Texts of the Week (December 12, 2023)

I am continually baffled by how some parents talk to their kids, particularly their daughters, about their bodies. I was lucky not to grow up in a household where my mom was constantly calling me fat, but I certainly knew some girls whose moms did exactly that. They are, what we digital natives call «almond …
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30 Funny and True Shower Thoughts for Deep Thinkers

Remember the shower orange trend? You’d take a cold orange with you into a hot shower and eat it while the water streamed down your body. Something about the scent mixed with the steam and the freedom of letting juice dribble without consequence enchanted internet users the world over. There’s even a whole subreddit dedicated …
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Randomly Lucrative Loopholes Redditors Have Successfully Exploited

I never buy something online until I’ve done a thorough search for a promo code beforehand. Chances are you’ll find one, and you’ll never have to pay full price. It’s the smart way to shop, but that’s only level 1 in the scheme of deal-hunting and sneaky workarounds. When I was in my high school …
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The Saddest Cringe Pics of the Week (December 6, 2023)

Cringe doesn’t always come from the people you despise. It can sometimes come straight from your closest buddies. A couple of months ago, one of my best friends and I went to see a movie at a weird indie theater above a bar. It was super intimate, and one of the audience members was peppering …
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