‘Some days we aren’t here at all’: Small business’ unpredictable hours angers time-keepers of the internet

I wish we could return to a more rough-and-tumble way of life. Like the days of the Wild West, or maybe just the Wild West of the movies. I wish I was on a first-name basis with my local barkeep, and I wish he knew just how I liked my sasparilla. I wish I had …
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‘Sounds like he hired the right people’: Crafty supervisor encourages team to maliciously comply with overbearing company timekeeping

Is there anything more annoying in the workplace than a micromanager? At least when a coworker gets on your nerves or decides to steal your food from the breakroom fridge, you can complain and get revenge. When it’s a boss breathing down your neck, though, you can only grit your teeth while getting angered by …
Seguir leyendo ‘Sounds like he hired the right people’: Crafty supervisor encourages team to maliciously comply with overbearing company timekeeping

Judgmental Dad Receives Clapbacks For Complaining Childfree People Don’t Realize How Much Free Time They Have

There are a lot of things about the idea of parenthood that scare me, and one of those is how the concept of time changes. I’ve heard enough accounts from parents to realize that having babies and little kids takes up 99% of your day, sometimes to the extent you can barely fit in a …
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Cringey Grindset Entrepreneur Gets Roasted for Claiming He Works 21 Days a Week

LinkedIn, one day you will pay for your crimes. The day that some bozo decided we needed a social media platform for ‘professionals’ was a curse upon humanity. Ever since, the internet has been inundated with a bunch of obnoxious, lifehack-addicted entrepreneurs who love nothing more than sharing the worst and most annoying advice known …
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‘It was very awkward’: Couple ditches double date after other couple shows up extra late

Time is one of your most valuable possessions, but not everyone values it the same amount. Take this couple for example: they’re chronically late, and aren’t about to improve things any time soon.  When a couple shared their experience with a double date gone wrong, it sparked a conversation about what it means to be …
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‘I didn’t have enough to do’: Former Server Prompts Debate For Expressing Confusion at Fellow Employees Who ‘Milk the Clock’

Work isn’t a place that many of us want to spend more time at than we have to, but that’s not the case for everybody. For every individual who is despairing at the sheer amount of unpaid overtime they do, there is a person who will hang around in the workplace even when they’re meant …
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‘No part of me wants to get back to work’: Corporate Employee Bemoans That Meetings Stunt Productivity

Whether we like it or not, communication is a crucial part of doing most types of jobs. However, the type of communication that we should be doing can vary. Although plenty of those in the corporate world protest that other peoples’ queries could have been an email, many working days are filled with meetings upon …
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Twitter Users Speculate on the Event That Will Come to Define Gen Z

It’s a bit of a mind bending thought, but we are living through tomorrow’s history. Seismic world events happen all the time, and we never know when the next one will be just behind the corner. There are always going to be major things happening that end up defining certain eras. As a result, every …
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People Argue About Which Character Will Be the «Yellow Guy» of the 2020s

Every decade ends up being defined by certain things that happened within it. From the fashion, to the music, to the politics, our collective memories are so bad that we need things repackaged in digestible, bitesize pieces so we can have an idea of what everything was like back in the good old days.  Thanks …
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Funniest Time Travel Memes for Intrepid Adventurers

Not everybody is the greatest fan of the rich and varied world of sci fi. If they’ve ever dipped their toe in the genre, though, it’s likely that they have come across time travel. The idea of screwing with the space time continuum has long been a captivating one, and it’s spent enough time in …
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