‘The darkest timeline imaginable’: Gen Alpha toddler horrifies internet by browsing 4chan on iPad

Perhaps the biggest difference between a kid born today and one born thirty years ago is the relationship that they have with screens. While there’s no denying that most adults are addicted to their phones, they have nothing on the iPad kids who seem to have been glued to a tablet since the day that …
Seguir leyendo ‘The darkest timeline imaginable’: Gen Alpha toddler horrifies internet by browsing 4chan on iPad

‘We’re such a deeply unserious country’: New York-Dublin ‘portal’ live art installation immediately creates chaos

Art brings people together. At least, that is what its greatest supporters like to say. Some of the best art thrives when we put aside our differences and realize that we can all be united behind a particular feeling that it brings, right?  Unfortunately for all those utopian artists out there, this is easier said …
Seguir leyendo ‘We’re such a deeply unserious country’: New York-Dublin ‘portal’ live art installation immediately creates chaos

‘Monster high students’: Goth teenager arrives at prom in a casket, commenters lose their minds

If you’re more than a few years out from high school like me, you might have forgotten that it is indeed prom season. Teens are arriving at their gymnasiums in jewel-toned mermaid gowns, trying not to sweat through their blowout while dancing to «Get Low» (or whatever teenagers listen to now), and wondering if they’ll go to Denny’s afterward. It’s a magical night. But more than …
Seguir leyendo ‘Monster high students’: Goth teenager arrives at prom in a casket, commenters lose their minds

‘Paying $10k to go through a regular day of football practice’: Alpha male bootcamp gets clowned on by Twitter

Men’s mental health is one of those annoying issues where it’s obvious that society has a big problem with it, but very few seem to know how to solve it. These days it is usually more frowned upon to tell a dude to ‘man up’ if he’s expressing vulnerable emotions, but in some ways, it …
Seguir leyendo ‘Paying $10k to go through a regular day of football practice’: Alpha male bootcamp gets clowned on by Twitter

Savvy Out-of-State Grandma Creates a YouTube Channel to Read Books to Her Grandchild From Afar

They say that it takes a village to raise a child–and for a lot of people, that village comes in the form of family members. For previous generations, it wasn’t uncommon for your entire ‘village’ to live in the same city, spending quality time with the kiddos and being there for all the major steps …
Seguir leyendo Savvy Out-of-State Grandma Creates a YouTube Channel to Read Books to Her Grandchild From Afar

Hater claims SNL has never cast a hot woman, gets dragged in the comments: ‘Cecily Strong was on that show way too long for you to be spouting nonsense’

Saturday Night Live is one of those shows that people have many grievances with. The most common one is that «the sketches aren’t funny like they used to be.» That sentiment could’ve been said in 1980 or 2024, and you wouldn’t be able to tell the difference: it’s a timeless complaint. I believe that people …
Seguir leyendo Hater claims SNL has never cast a hot woman, gets dragged in the comments: ‘Cecily Strong was on that show way too long for you to be spouting nonsense’

25+ of the Best Gaming Memes of the Week (April 3, 2024)

Have you ever gamed so hard you gamed in your sleep? I used to do that with the Sims. I would play for so long and into the wee hours of the morning, that when I would finally drift off into slumber I would still be playing the game. Feeding my sims, making them take …
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‘Imagine being pressed by Pride’: Bigoted man gets roasted for refusing to walk on ‘woke’ pride flag stairs

I find it amazing the lengths that some people will go to in an attempt to affirm their heterosexuality. You might think the most effective way of doing this is to act resolutely unbothered by all things LGBTQIA+, but not everyone seems to think this is the case.  It’s a dumb mindset, but sometimes it …
Seguir leyendo ‘Imagine being pressed by Pride’: Bigoted man gets roasted for refusing to walk on ‘woke’ pride flag stairs

Weekly Internet Roundup: Will Smith’s AI Spaghetti, Breakdancing Dads, and 50 Part TikTok Dramas

Also, chocolate-covered strawberries take over TikTok.

Mansplaining Golfer doesn’t realize he’s talking to a PGA professional, cringe ensues: ‘This is actually mental’

Chances are, if you’re a woman, you’ve been on the receiving end of a mansplaining. It’s a new-ish term for a phenomenon as old as time. A woman is minding her own business, doing something she knows how to do, or talking about something she’s educated on, and a man swoops in to «well, actually» …
Seguir leyendo Mansplaining Golfer doesn’t realize he’s talking to a PGA professional, cringe ensues: ‘This is actually mental’