30 Workout Memes for Maximum Gains (December 2, 2023)

Remember the Liver King? The guy who hawked organs and sleeping on concrete in service of creating a hulking, caveman bod? It was internet schadenfreude at its best when he got taken down, and admitted that he was using steroids. His apology video was pure comedy, and I loved every second of it. That’s the …
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29 Workout Memes for Maximum Gains (November 25, 2023)

It’s that time of year where a lot of regular folks start thinking about starting their fitness journey. After the indulgence of Thanksgiving (we regret nothing), the urge to get moving and go to the gym takes over. The leftovers are starting to overwhelm., and you’re making grand plans for green smoothies and leg day. …
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28 Workout Memes for Maximum Gains (November 18, 2023)

As any gym rat will tell you, gym time is about far more than what you look like in the mirror. It’s about mindset, mental health, and the way it makes you feel about yourself. An old friend and dedicated gymgoer once pejoratively said about someone, «he only works out the glamour muscles.» It was …
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30 Workout Memes for Maximum Gains

I understand why some folks get gymtimidation (a word I learned during my research for this meme list). Many of the machines, if you don’t know how to use them, look like alien spaceships. Gyms are also usually full of people who look like they know what they’re doing, and if you’re a beginner, it …
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20+ Workout Memes for Devoted Gym Rats

There’s nothing like a good sesh at the gym to make you start seeing the world a little clearer. Not only did your sick pump lead to some stellar bathroom selfies, but a heightened outlook on life. Decisions are easier to make, your mood is more balanced, and you have the clarity needed to come …
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20+ Workout Memes for Devoted Gym Rats (October 7, 2023)

Exercise is one of those things that a lot of people seem unable to find a happy medium with. Either they’re devoted couch potatoes, or they start panicking if they have a day without a big training session or 6am run. While we can safely say that it’s probably healthier to be on the active …
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20+ Workout Memes for Devoted Gym Rats (September 30, 2023)

My relationship with working out has evolved a lot over the years. As a scrawny, bookish kid whose hobbies were decidedly sedentary, gym class was probably by least favorite part of school (alongside math). When I got older and started to internalize the messages of Society™ that said my worth was based on what my …
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20+ Workout Memes for Devoted Gym Rats (September 23, 2023)

Greetings, gym rats. We’re back with another heavy bag of dank workout-themed memes for you to enjoy in between sets. These memes aren’t going to lift themselves, so let the gains begin. But first, let’s talk about food. I absolutely hate dieting, and I love food. As you can imagine, this becomes a problem whenever …
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25+ Ripped Gym Memes for Beasts Who Train Hard

Rise and grind, lifters. Guzzle that pre-workout and go beast mode because it’s time for some extremely ripped content.  Okay, I’m not gonna lie here. I’m no adonis cut from marble. I’m more like a sponge—I’m soft and I retain a lot of water weight. But lord knows I try. I get up every morning …
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30 Gym Memes for the Exercise Obsesses and Devoted Gym Rats (August 19, 2023)

Welcome back, weekend gym warriors and those devoted to the art of exercise! It’s that time of the week again. No, not leg day. It’s meme day! After a recent move, it’s no longer convenient or even practical for me to continue attending my old gym. I will always cherish the memory of my old …
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