Quirky Memes For Quirky Kids

Being quirky isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. But sometime over the past decade, the quality has become a desired one – and we’re not just talking about individuals. Brands have started going the same route, trying to differentiate themselves from the norm to create brand recognition. Novelty, it seems, is attractive to consumers. …
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An Unhinged Batch of Memes For Anti-Hinge Individuals

It’s funny how certain words start to lose their meaning when they become popular in everyday usage. Words like «savage,» «insane,» and «psychotic» are regularly used to describe things that are, in fact, incredibly normal. It’s definitely not savage to roast a friend in the group chat, it’s not insane to send a text to …
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35 Memes: No More, No Less

I hate when writers lie in their headlines. Well, maybe «lie» isn’t the best word, but journalists certainly enjoy stretching the truth to get a good story The current state of the world is not as bad as the yellow journalism days of yore, but it’s still annoying to click on something that is not …
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Weirdo Memes For Genuine Freaks

A lot of people come from the Cole Sprouse School of Weirdness. That is to say, they claim they’re weird without really being weird at all. If you’re lost, let me introduce you to the second-greatest quote from the CW series Riverdale.  «In case you haven’t noticed, I’m weird. I’m a weirdo. I don’t fit …
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A Citrusy Burst of Lemon-Related Memes and Things

It’s my belief that people take lemons for granted. Most stores, even the produce-phobic bodegas of Brooklyn, have a least a few to offer the acid-seeking individuals of the world. Lemons gussy up water. They add zip to salad dressings, their zest is crucial for many baked goods, and they taste good as hell in …
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Absurdist Memes For the Proud Goofballs

It shouldn’t be controversial for me to say that we’ve been in an era of absurdist humor for some time now. I don’t know where this taste for silly & goofy comedy originated, but Gen Z and Millennials can’t get enough of it. I can tell that absurdist humor has swept the nation because of …
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A Strange Sprinkling of Basic and Bizarro Memes

Oh, joy! It’s another beautiful day on the glorious internet. But if we’re being totally honest, things are not feeling… great. The truth is that it is far from easy to be chained to your computer on any given day, but when the world seems extra messed up, it’s even worse. Rising rents, piddling salaries, …
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Weird Girl Memes For The Strange And Unusual

Winona Ryder was my ultimate crush when I was a teenager, which might be the most Gen X dad thing about me. I was obsessed with the movie Heathers and was willing to look past her shoplifting past if it meant we could be together forever. One of her most famous movies is, of course, …
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Weird and Creepy Memes for an Unsettling Scrolling Sesh

Any self-respecting meme enthusiast is well aware of their incredible versatility. It really feels like there is a meme out there for every kind of person from every walk of life. Facebook moms go absolutely bonkers for corny and cringey minion memes. Those basic white girls who live for pumpkin spice season? They go absolutely …
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A Shot of Memes to Dull the Pain

It’s well-documented that alcohol is not exactly good for you. Sure, there have been numerous studies that red wine is good for the heart, or that it’s good for the brain, or «keeps you young.» But I don’t take those studies seriously. As an enjoyer of alcohol, and a temporary abstainer, I know the damage …
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