Dude records Chipotle employee to get larger portions, gets criticized for being embodiment of the surveillance state: ‘They don’t get paid enough for this’

If you’ve been around the fast food block, you’ve probably heard the complaint that Chipotle doesn’t put enough meat in their bowls. I’ve never particularly had a problem with this: every time I’ve eaten Chipotle, it’s been so filling I didn’t need to eat again for at least another 8 hours. However, that doesn’t stop people from complaining that they’re getting a paltry amount of Chicken in a meal that can be as much as $15. Instead of asking the employee for a little more chicken, which might incur an extra charge, Chipotle patrons are doing something far more sinister. They’re recording employees making their food, using surveillance to pressure them to give them larger portions. The idea is that it’d be bad publicity for customers to broadcast themselves receiving less than 5 pounds of Mexican food for one. While some think this is a clever idea, others have called it out as yet another way to treat service workers poorly. 

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