Lab Assistant Gets Blasted For Outing Douchey Employer To New Hire

Being in a toxic work environment can feel like a lose-lose situation. If you keep on sucking it up, you’re only making yourself miserable. However, if you take the courage to speak out, there’s every chance that you end up experiencing some unpleasant side effects. 

As with any unfair treatment, it’s important to say it as you see it when the opportunity arises, but being the whistle-blower often doesn’t come with that many rewards. This is something that u/yagirldebbie found out the hard way. After taking up a job in a lab alongside her university studies, she ended up leaving thanks to aggressive behavior from co-workers and being scheduled for too many hours. 

Afterwards, she was contacted by a woman who had just been offered a position there to ask about the experience before she took on the role. Giving an honest answer, she almost immediately faced some unfair consequences.

While she took her grievances to r/AmITheAsshole to check her actions, Redditors were unanimously in support of what she had done. While it’s not an easy task, the only way to improve treatment from employers is to pull them up on it.


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