Memes To Scream And Shout About

It’s rare to feel so passionate about something that you feel inspired to shout it from the rooftops. The last time I experienced that was after I learned about my family’s religious background for the first time. I grew up incredibly secular. I thought «chaste» meant «motivated» until I was 19. One night, after my four Catholic roommates started talking about their religious upbringings, I began to wonder what my parent’s religious backgrounds were. I shot my mom a text, and soon enough, she gave me an answer better than I could’ve ever guessed. 

My grandmother’s grandmother got her family into Christian Science in the 1930s. My mom went to a Christian Science church when she was a kid, and I didn’t even know until I was 21 years old. For those who don’t know, Christian Science’s most famous belief is that prayer is superior to all medical treatments. I was so shocked that I told every person I encountered the next day. I couldn’t keep it inside that I come from believers in one of the weirdest American religions. Considering how strange other American versions of Christianity are, that’s saying something! I’m still shouting about my formerly Christian Scientist family. I can’t help it; it’s so funny, weird, and unbelievable. If you want something to scream and shout about, you could either ask your mom about a previously uncovered personal detail or scroll through this meme list. One of them is sure to garner something. 

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