‘Stop pretending and pay me back’: Man calls out cousin on social media after she flaunts her lavish lifestyle in a post yet refuses to pay him back her $2000 loan

This is why it is said you should never believe what you see on social media. People will only show you the parts of their lives they want to share, and those parts are usually a tiny percentage of their actual real life. Social media is merely a photo album for people to look back at and see the highlights of their lives, but never the struggles.

The person who wrote this story on Reddit decided to call out on his cousin for trying to appear rich and successful on social media when the reality was far from it. The cousin, who refused to pay OP (original poster) her $2000 loan back, posted a photo in which she flaunted a new, highly expensive, neckless, which led OP to comment on her post, calling her out on her actions. This one comment caused a chain of reactions that OP did not expect…

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