Tech bro claims that AI will eradicate social drinking in 5 years, gets roasted by the internet: ‘Does everyone working in AI just not understand human beings?»

Is there any kind of nerd more insufferable than the artificial intelligence nerd? There’s no doubt that the technology we have seen develop at a rapid pace over the past couple of years has already changed the trajectory of the human race, but people aren’t necessarily going to change with it in the way some hope. 

For one, most out there seem more interested in how AI can help us do the work we don’t want to do instead of having it transform our recreational time, as was recently suggested by a tech bro on Twitter. Claiming that it would only take 5 years for artificial intelligence to replace social drinking, almost nobody could bring themselves to agree with him. For all that alcohol can have many downsides, there is no denying that it is one of those things that it would probably be very hard to replace with computers.

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