‘They went to college and found out they were just average’: People divulge what happened to the most popular kids at their high school

If you weren’t popular in school, your parents probably said this to you: «When you grow up, you’ll be interesting and successful, and the kids who were popular will be trying to relive their glory days of high school football championships and cheerleading.» While that’s a comforting idea (which is heavily supported by the Sandy Frink character in Romy and Michele’s High School Reunion), it’s not always true. A lot of popular kids grow up to be attractive and successful adults, and the idea that they all «peaked in high school» is nothing more than a cope. Knowing what’s going on in the lives of your high school classmates is already a little bit embarrassing, so it’s much more fun to learn about the exploits of anonymous popular kids grown up. The citizens of Reddit came together to share what the most popular kids at their high schools are doing now, and there are a lot more success stories than you might think. 

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