Woman Cooks for Neighbors, Insults Weirdos on the Internet

You know what one of the best parts of being alive is? Being a part of a community. For all that society today wants us to be hyper-individualist robots, doing nice things for those we know feels a thousand times better than being a shut in, most of the time. 

For many, this isn’t just logical — it’s a natural human instinct. Unfortunately, though, there are a lot of people out there who are so internet poisoned that they refuse to believe in it. Social media had proved this to us repeatedly over the years, but rarely has it been as insane as the reaction to an innocent series of tweets by @Chinchillazllla. The Twitter user explained earlier this week how some college students had moved next door, and they seemed to be living off of takeout. She thought it would be a nice idea to bring them a homecooked meal, and she documented the process. 




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