26 Gen X Memes for 80’s Kids Raised on Hose Water (May 14, 2024)

What was the make and model of your first car? You probably got stuck driving Mom’s station wagon to school every day, but no doubt dreamed of a 1965 Mustang. Like every Gen Xer with a muscle tee and a mullet, the Mustang exuded a certain je-ne-sais-quoi that was absolutely irresistible to an entire generation. It was loud, it was fast, and most importantly, it terrified your grandma! So while we puttered around in an old station wagon or a beat-up Gremlin, the coolest kids in school revved their engines and got all the girls. Timeless like Gen X themselves, the Mustang is a beautiful representation of the coolness we all aspired to. Frothing with chill and brimming with muscle, what could be better than a convertible drag race down the highway?

If you dream of the speed and style of your younger years, look no further than this boisterous, quintessentially Gen X collection of memes that’ll have you wishing you had feather bangs and a windbreaker jacket again. 

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