27 Classical Art Memes For Adam and Eve’s Scrolling Through the Garden of Eden

Munch, munch, munch.

The crisp apple crunches between your teeth, the forbidden juice dripping down your chin. The guilt you expect never arrives. Instead, a mischievous glint replaces it. Thanks to the serpent’s parting gift, a strange, glowing device, you’re now scrolling through a never-ending stream of… what did the serpent call them? Memes.

Each image is a chaotic explosion of color and nonsensical captions. What on earth do they mean? One shows a cat with a grumpy face captioned «Monday Mood.» Another depicts a stick figure chasing a carrot labeled «Me trying to be productive.» A giggle escapes your lips. This is unlike anything you have ever seen. You must show Adam!

Paradise might be beautiful — lush greenery, cascading waterfalls, and plump, juicy apples — but it lacks entertainment. Now, with this device, you are privy to a digital world beyond Eden… you don’t quite understand it all yet, but it’s hilarious. Next up, a man who prepared the most yucky meal for his brother’s wife after she criticized his food.

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