30 Darling Dog Memes for Canine Enthusiasts (June 13, 2024)

Dogs have their own language, even if we’re not fully hip to it yet. I have a hunch that they understand everything we’re saying, they’re just smart enough to stay out of petty human stuff. If you’ve ever spoken in full English sentences to a dog and had them maintain eye contact with you, and even let out a little woof when you’re done speaking, you know what I’m talking about. Especially if you get to know your dog over a long period of time. You develop a secret language of patterns, sounds, and gestures. They know what you mean when you say «walk» in a high-pitched voice. You know what they mean when they scratch at your door. It’s a beautiful cross-species connection. 

Perhaps if your communication gets advanced enough, you’ll be able to show your dog these memes, and they might find them relatable. And you’ll do whatever the dog equivalent is of laughing together. Woofing?

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