33 Memes for Those Who Are Down and Out

Look, I know that in a perfect world, we would be able to bring our A-game all the time. We want to spring out of bed fresh as a daisy and conquer whatever life throws at us with a smile. Sadly, that’s just not always going to be possible. Sometimes, we get ill, we face setbacks, or we just aren’t in the mood. The fact is, while it’s no good to wallow in misery, we also have to recognize that our struggles are part of what makes us who we are. There is also plenty of humorous material on the internet that helps us do that, some of which can be found here. We don’t always have to focus our eyeballs on wholesome and motivational content. We can allow ourselves a bit of self pity once in a while, so long as the entertainment value is in plentiful supply as well.

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