A Nostalgic Scrapbook of 70’s and 80’s Kodak Moments for a Trip Down Memory Lane (May 14, 2024)

True freedom is roaming around on a bicycle through your hometown on a Saturday afternoon, drinking cola, playing kickball, and wondering if your parents have any idea where you are. Not a cell phone in sight! Truthfully, parents in the 70s and 80s hadn’t a clue where the kiddos went off to once they crossed the threshold of the house and we liked it that way. Free to dash around town with our buddies with the sun in our eyes and the breeze at our backs, you could go anywhere those pedals would take you– even if that was straight over a homemade bike ramp. 

Boredom wasn’t a thing when Gen X and Boomers were kids. Mom always used to say, «Only boring people get bored!» So away we went building homemade forts, climbing trees, and having competitions on who could dig the biggest hole. Life wasn’t overcomplicated back then. 

So if you’re feeling the nostalgic pull of a trip down memory lane, keep scrolling to enjoy a nostalgic scrapbook of memories unlocked by a couple of Kodak moments we found deep in your grandma’s basement. 

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