A Presentation of Memes to Scroll Through

Most of us don’t have that much power, prestige, or even agency. At some point, we are always going to find ourselves in situations that are hard to control. Rarely does anything we do turn out perfectly, unless we’re one of those annoying superhumans for whom everything seems to go right. Put bluntly, we don’t have it easy in this life most of the time, but we do have a tool to help us voice that.

That’s right, we could only be talking about the world of memes. While it’s true that not every amusing little picture is a rallying cry against the unfairness of it all, they do help put it into perspective. Sweating the small stuff reminds us that there are some things within our control, none more so than our thoughts and opinions. They can be pretty funny too, if we give them a chance. It’s all the more reason to keep on memeing

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