An Appropriate Amount of Distracting Memes

Balance is a challenging thing. From trying to eat enough vegetables for every donut to limiting the amount of death stares we give to our most annoying co-worker, it can sometimes feel like all we ever do is try and keep our metaphorical plates spinning. Memes are one of the few places where we can actually let loose — there’s no worrying about what we look like or what effect we might have on others, just a pure expression of our dumbest opinions and desires. We all need some way of letting off steam, and this is an accessible way of doing it that (probably) doesn’t blow up our entire lives. Best of all, it can be done anywhere with a halfway decent internet connection. A dose of memes is the perfect antidote to our need to blow off some steam, and this list of random tidbits does an admirable job in helping. 

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