Customer Refuses to Tip Waiter After Demanding Menu Be Tailored to His Preferences

In my younger years, I worked as a waitress to support myself. My eight-hour shift at the restaurant would be followed by a job working in retail till the early hours of the morning. To be honest, though, I wasn’t very good at being a waitress, and I didn’t particularly love my work there either. …
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Couple Outsmart Neighbor by Refusing to Vacate Parking Space Until Further Notice

Many times in life we can engage in situations that can test our patience. We can have the purest of intentions, but when pushed past our limits, there is no stopping the fury and rage from running through our veins.  So, when being tested, should we back down and surrender, or on the contrary, should …
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Daughter-In-Law Refuses to Succumb to Mother-In-Law’s Irrational Payment Request

There are many times in life when we encounter situations that leave us stunned. I genuinely believe that sometimes the best course of action is to have a sophisticated conversation and consider the sequence of events that brought about this current situation. Other times, though, I believe that we ought to simply opt for denial and hope …
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35+ Wholesome Relationship Memes for Cuffing Season

When you’re in an intimate relationship, it can be easy to lose track of the outside world. You get so wrapped up in your significant other that you forget other people exist. Take Marshall and Lily from How I Met Your Mother as an example. There’s an episode where their pals make them realize all the overly …
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Woman Makes Fun of Couple For Looking Nerdy, Twitter Users Come to Their Defense

Every day in NYC, I am afraid that someone with 17K Twitter followers will take a picture of me on the subway, say I look lame, and get 100K likes. This is not an unfounded fear in the slightest because it literally happens all the time. Adult bullies who need to put others down to …
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Couple Gets Fired Two Days After Their Wedding Because Groom Made a Complaint About a Supervisor Mocking His Disability

Working with your partner is a unique situation that not many couples find themselves in. More often than not, if couples do work together, it’s because they met at work. Much like living with your partner, things can get a little awkward if you split while you’re working at the same place. Luckily, this is …
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‘You don’t have permission to talk’: Reddit Thread Filled With Biggest Red Flags That Made Us Go ‘Yikes’

Eek, the modern world of dating and relationships… sometimes, amidst the excitement and if we’re being honest, nerves, we encounter those amusing yet unmistakable red flags. While we’re riding this wave of honesty, we admit we attract way more red flags than we’d like. We blame dating apps, as you never know what you’re getting …
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‘Hilariously fake eyelashes’: Single men reveal their biggest ‘icks’ when dating women

There’s a point in every failed relationship when something happens that gives someone the ‘ick’. Feeling an ick is that nose-scrunching feeling that takes over a woman’s face when she notices something about their partner that just doesn’t sit right, something that is a HUGE turn off. For example, dating a stage-3 clinger might give …
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24 Snappy Memes for Women Who Wear the Sassy Pants in the Relationship (June 30, 2023)

When life gives you a sassy personality – you don’t pout nor reminisce on the ‘what if’ but instead, you embrace it. You take that sass and make a nice blend of sizzle, spice, and everything nice. Now we don’t know about you ladies, but we honestly believe that the best type of girlfriends are …
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31 Fixating Memes for Women Who Overthink for a Living

If there’s one thing about us, we’re suckers for a good overthinking session. We’re not exactly proud of it nor condoning it, but hey – when our minds start to wander into spirals of ‘what if’ there’s not much we can do about it. But can you blame us? Sometimes our brains get so caught …
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