The Best Baldur’s Gate 3 Memes for D&D Fans and Gamers Who Love to Role-Play

There’s a lot to love about Baldur’s Gate 3. The complex custom characterization options and RPG systems. Interesting companions with unique personalities. The hilarious dialogue. The fact that you can compliment any cat you come across. And of course, it really does feel like a Dungeons & Dragons campaign. In fact, one problem some players …
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The Best Dungeons & Dragons Memes of the Week (August 25, 2023)

In a quiet suburban neighborhood, tucked between two perfectly pruned pin oaks, lived a young accountant named Dan. Dan was an average pleb who once had a taste for adventure, but somewhere along the way, he fully succumbed to a life of routine. Although he was grateful for his comfortable life, the steady cycle of …
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The Best Dungeons & Dragons Memes of the Week (August 11, 2023)

Greetings, tieflings, half orcs, dwarves, and halflings! Welcome back to another magical Friday. While most normies are looking forward to watching the game and cracking open a cold one with the boys at the local watering hole, we just know all you nerds and weirdos out there are getting your gamer dens and DnD dens …
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The Best Dungeons & Dragons Memes of the Week (August 4, 2023)

The other night I had a crazy dream about the most perfect Dungeons & Dragons campaign ever. Each member of our party arrived at the first meetup on-time and prepared with riveting backstories for our characters that weren’t too long or too short—they were just right. Our DM guided us through our journey with patience …
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The Best Dungeons & Dragons Memes of the Week (July 28, 2023)

Long ago in a particularly epic campaign, our party had to face a fearsome dragon that was guarding a treasure hoard. The dragon was massive, with scales that gleamed like diamonds, and it had a reputation for roasting adventurers who dared to challenge it. As our party stood before the dragon, nervously discussing our strategy, …
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The Best Dungeons & Dragons Memes of the Week (July 21, 2023)

Did you hear about the rogue who tried to pickpocket the Dungeon Master during a Dungeons & Dragons campaign? Well, let’s just say the DM rolled a natural 20 on their perception check and caught the sneaky player red-handed. But instead of punishing the rogue, the DM decided to have a little fun with them. …
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The Best Dungeons & Dragons Memes of the Week (July 14, 2023)

In a dimly lit basement, we gathered around the table, eager to embark on a new adventure. Little did we know that our dungeon master, Steve, harbored a malevolent desire. We would soon find out that Steve was about to seize every opportunity to exploit our trust and destroy every last one of our characters.Steve …
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The Best Dungeons & Dragons Memes of the Week (July 7, 2023)

Need a character idea for your next Dungeons & Dragons campaign? Zephyrwick is a wizard whose mind is as chaotic as his spellcasting. Imagine a brilliant magician, but with the attention span of a squirrel with ADHD. Zephyrwick constantly finds himself in hilarious situations due to his forgetfulness and absent-minded nature. For starters, Zephyrwick’s spell …
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The Best Dungeons & Dragons Memes of the Week (June 23, 2023)

Greetings dungeon dwellers, brave barbarians, and big bad evil guys. You know what time it is. That’s right, it’s meme time. As always, we are bringing you the very best Dungeons & Dragons memes on this side of the world wide web. To access them, all you have to do is solve the following riddle…just …
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The Best Dungeons & Dragons Memes of the Week (June 16, 2023)

It’s a tragic time for Dungeons & Dragons memelords everywhere. For those of you out of the loop—I’m talking about the «Reddit blackout.» Thousands of subreddits have gone dark in protest of Reddit’s decision to start charging commercial access to its API, which will mostly affect third-party developers who use Reddit’s API for their own …
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