‘It’s pathetic seeing millennials sound exactly like the boomers they despise’: Gen Z retail employee complains about full time work , faces heat from the internet

When millennials were getting yelled at for spending all their money on avocado toast, did they ever expect to become the ones doing the yelling? I’d wager that most of them didn’t. However, as Gen Z have established themselves as the youth of today it is exactly that which seems to have happened.  In a …
Seguir leyendo ‘It’s pathetic seeing millennials sound exactly like the boomers they despise’: Gen Z retail employee complains about full time work , faces heat from the internet

‘Insane person behavior’: People debate the normality of not leaving the house for one day

As somebody who frequently works from home, I have an added appreciation for that mystical thing that normal people call ‘going outside’. I know how easy it can be to shut yourself in with your laptop and some food and not take a full breath of fresh air for 24 hours or more. If you’re …
Seguir leyendo ‘Insane person behavior’: People debate the normality of not leaving the house for one day

‘France made me cry’: Influencer complains about feeling isolated in Lyon, splits opinions on travel behavior

French speakers are notorious for gatekeeping their language. I took French classes for most of my school days, but when I attempted to ask for a table for two in Paris, the server immediately responded in English. It bruised my ego, to say the least. I understand that my accent isn’t perfect, and he doesn’t …
Seguir leyendo ‘France made me cry’: Influencer complains about feeling isolated in Lyon, splits opinions on travel behavior

‘The kind of positive cringe that leads to the most successful relationships’: Dorky couple splits opinion with HR style annual review

If there is one piece of romantic advice that you will hear from everyone and their mother, it’s that relationships take work. Finding your perfect partner is only the first part of the puzzle. If you want to keep them around for the rest of your life, you both have to be willing to reflect …
Seguir leyendo ‘The kind of positive cringe that leads to the most successful relationships’: Dorky couple splits opinion with HR style annual review

‘This is ten times more narcissistic and toxic than whatever he did to you’: Roommate kicks out out guy who ghosted him twice, sparks heated discourse

Unlike its spooky namesake, ghosting’s existence is not up for debate. It happens all the time, to the best of us, to the worst of us. It’s so easy to ghost someone. It requires little (actually, nothing) of you and it makes a potential issue go away instantly. But if you’re on the receiving end …
Seguir leyendo ‘This is ten times more narcissistic and toxic than whatever he did to you’: Roommate kicks out out guy who ghosted him twice, sparks heated discourse

‘Having a little solo time becomes crucial’: Cameron Diaz Reveals She Prefers to Sleep in Separate Room to Husband, Sparks Debate on Personal Space in Relationships

I always feel a little guilty when I share a bed with someone else. I do enough nose-blowing and anxious pre-sleep bathroom trips to really annoy somebody who just wants some shuteye. By the same token, I have a low tolerance for persistent snorers — no earplugs are going to take away the sound of …
Seguir leyendo ‘Having a little solo time becomes crucial’: Cameron Diaz Reveals She Prefers to Sleep in Separate Room to Husband, Sparks Debate on Personal Space in Relationships

‘He’s below average and didn’t deserve it’: College Applicant Gets Rejected From Cornell With 4.6 GPA, Sparks Debate About Entitled Students

Every so often, I wish I could go back to being younger. It would be nice to approach certain situations with the value of hindsight. At the same time, one thing I am 1000% good at never, ever experiencing again is the crushing pressure of academia. All those exams and all that cramming just to …
Seguir leyendo ‘He’s below average and didn’t deserve it’: College Applicant Gets Rejected From Cornell With 4.6 GPA, Sparks Debate About Entitled Students

‘It doesn’t seem too bad’: Concerned Man Claims Co-Worker Has a Drinking Problem, Starts Debate About Alcohol Consumption

No matter how much many of us enjoy an alcoholic beverage or several, the facts on the world’s most commonly used recreational drug cannot be ignored. It is infamous for creating some awkward situations and at its worst, completely ruining lives. However, there can be some stark personal and cultural differences when it comes to …
Seguir leyendo ‘It doesn’t seem too bad’: Concerned Man Claims Co-Worker Has a Drinking Problem, Starts Debate About Alcohol Consumption

‘Someone is recording them recording’: Family Gets Called Out For Filming New Mom and Baby on Phones, Sparks Debate About Recording Special Moments

Making memories is one of those Hallmark catchphrases that is genuinely very important. We wouldn’t love our family and friends like we do if we didn’t have the experiences to back it up. As a result, many people want to take photos on special occasions. The catch is that these days that goes hand in …
Seguir leyendo ‘Someone is recording them recording’: Family Gets Called Out For Filming New Mom and Baby on Phones, Sparks Debate About Recording Special Moments

‘One of the dumbest social customs of all time’: Dude Sparks Debate Slamming Homes With ‘Shoes Off’ Policies

My parents are the exact opposite of clean freaks, but I was raised in a pretty strict shoes off home. To me, it makes perfect sense. No matter how careful we are, we trudge through all manner of dirt and grime in our footwear when we go outside. Why on earth would we be OK …
Seguir leyendo ‘One of the dumbest social customs of all time’: Dude Sparks Debate Slamming Homes With ‘Shoes Off’ Policies