30+ Memes That Won’t Rain on Your Parade

One of the most iconic moments in one of the most iconic shows of all time is of course when Rachel Berry sings «Don’t Rain on My Parade» from the musical Funny Girl during the New Direction’s regionals performance. If that sounds like gibberish to you, then you probably weren’t a theater kid, or you …
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25+ Darling Dog Memes for Canine Enthusiasts (April 18, 2024)

There’s a reason they say that dogs are man’s best friend. They provide companionship, love, and something to look at when you’re home alone. I talk to my dog all the time, and I swear he understands what I’m saying. I’ll go on long monologues about my life, and he’ll just sit there, look right …
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35+ Memes That Put the ‘Fun’ In Funny

Ok, forgive me if this is something everyone already has thought about… but does the word «funny» come from the word «fun?» It would sort of make sense. The concepts are definitely interrelated. But they’re not synonymous. There are plenty of fun things that aren’t funny. Have you ever laughed on a roller coaster? Probably …
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30+ Memes to Brighten up Even Your Darkest Night

Like most people with ears, I love Carole King’s album Tapestry. It’s full of instant classics, relatable lyrics, and rollicking piano. But one of the most classic classics on the album has to be «You’ve Got a Friend,» which somehow everyone knows the words to. Play it. I dare you not to sing along. It’s as …
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30 Memes to Sip With Your Morning Cup of Joe

One of the greatest things about being an adult is that you get to drink coffee. It’s what gets me out of bed most mornings: the promise of chocolatey, earthy, perhaps milky, awake-inducing goodness. Not only does it get your energy up so you actually feel like doing stuff, but it’s also a deliciously impornant …
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‘Quiet pardner, I’m tryin’ to take care of my Nintendogs’: 25+ Laugh-inducing memes and images

Nintendogs was one of those classic DS games that absolutely ruled my friend group in 4th grade. Every recess period, we would fire up our little devices, get our styluses out, and take care of our fake little puppies. I remember finding a cheat code that would unlock infinite money, which turned out to do very …
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35 Darling Dog Memes for Canine Enthusiasts (April 11, 2024)

In the great dog versus cat war, I choose both. Sorry! I think where we went wrong is pitting beautiful animals against one another. Who says they can’t exist in perfect harmony? (Okay, maybe they can’t always do that.) But who made the rule that I have to pick a side and stick to it? …
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40+ Memes That Have It All

I’ll say it, I’m one of those people who wants to «have it all» I want everything and more wrapped up in a big bow. And a bag of chips. But life requires sacrifices sometimes. Even in, say, a burrito. Sure, I want all the toppings from Chipotle. I want the guac and the cheese …
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28 Memes So Funny Time Will Just Fly By

There are a select few things that never fail to lift my spirits and make me smile. Do you ever feel like you can accomplish anything you put your mind to and that nothing can stop you? Memes and the clock striking five o’clock, which indicates that I am finally free to live my life as …
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45+ Movin’ and Shakin’ Memes That Entertain and Inspire

There’s nothing like a good song to set your mood straight. I could be having the worst day, refusing to see the positive in anything and wishing it would pass, but throw on a little tune that I can dance to, and I have no choice but to smile. It’s one of my favorite things …
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