A Sizzling Heap of Memes Right From the Griddle

If you’ve ever been to a diner where you can watch the line cooks work at the griddle, you know how fun it is to watch them work. It’s art mixed with science and a little bit of dance. They move with such speed and efficiency it’s astounding, cooking 6 eggs to medium-hard, 3 to …
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27 Memes to Put a Little Pep in Your Step

If you’re a person who runs for fun, I commend you. It’s a wonderful, useful sport that you can carry with you for a long time. You can run away from your enemies and look good while doing so. I’ve attempted running many times in my life, and for a while there it was fun. …
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35 Memes That Don’t Come to Play

There’s a famous line from every reality competition show ever that goes «I didn’t come here to make friends.» It’s supposed to convey that you’re serious about whatever’s at stake, that you will stop at nothing for the prize, and that you’re not to be messed with. But to me, it just tells the audience that you’re a fun-hating Eeyore who is missing out on opportunities to make lifelong friendships! Everywhere you go …
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34 Memes for When You Need to Lock In

«Locking in» has become the favorite phrase of Gen Z-ers attempting to give something everything they’ve got. Made famous by LinkedIn Maniacs and Finance Bros, It’s surprisingly still useful for those of us who don’t have a 5-9 before their 9-5s. Locking in means you’re focused, efficient as heck, and ready to get things done at lightning speed. It’s a wonderful feeling. Knowing that you can churn out everything you need …
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25+ Darling Dog Memes for Canine Enthusiasts (April 25, 2024)

There’s something about dogs that just raises the level of joy in any given space. You could have an office, gray and boring, full of half-miserable people just trying to get through the day– add a couple of dogs to the equation and the world goes technicolor. It’s because dogs themselves have no choice but to be happy. They have very little …
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38 Memes That Make a Long Story Short

We all have that friend or family whose stories are way longer than they need to be. They’ll go off on unnecessary tangents like what they were wearing that day or another story they were reminded of halfway through telling the first one. Some people are not naturally gifted storytellers. But what’s more annoying than …
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30+ Memes Raring to Go

Energy is elusive. Some days you have buckets of it, other days you have to dig deep for the willingness to get out of bed. And it depends on a constellation of factors so complex that it will take you your whole life to parse out what exactly is affecting you and when. Or at …
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30+ Memes That Won’t Rain on Your Parade

One of the most iconic moments in one of the most iconic shows of all time is of course when Rachel Berry sings «Don’t Rain on My Parade» from the musical Funny Girl during the New Direction’s regionals performance. If that sounds like gibberish to you, then you probably weren’t a theater kid, or you …
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25+ Darling Dog Memes for Canine Enthusiasts (April 18, 2024)

There’s a reason they say that dogs are man’s best friend. They provide companionship, love, and something to look at when you’re home alone. I talk to my dog all the time, and I swear he understands what I’m saying. I’ll go on long monologues about my life, and he’ll just sit there, look right …
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35+ Memes That Put the ‘Fun’ In Funny

Ok, forgive me if this is something everyone already has thought about… but does the word «funny» come from the word «fun?» It would sort of make sense. The concepts are definitely interrelated. But they’re not synonymous. There are plenty of fun things that aren’t funny. Have you ever laughed on a roller coaster? Probably …
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