Amusing Thread Mulls Over Confusing Christmas Cookie Cutters

For many of us, Christmas isn’t Christmas without some baking involved. Even if all the dried fruit and brandy stuff isn’t for you, it can’t be denied that the smell of sweet things fresh out the oven is enough to get even the most Scrooge-like among us in the festive spirit. Cooks across the world …
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Grinch Claims That We Should Only Buy Presents for Ourselves at Christmas

Just like everything else, the festive season starts to lose its shine as we get older. Santa isn’t real, it gets dark at 4pm, and family gatherings can be more stressful than worth the effort. Still, it doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try to keep the magic alive. Most of us spend much of the year …
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Funniest Christmas Decoration Memes That are Purely Ornamental

While Halloween might give it some stiff competition, Christmas is a great time for those out there who like to get flamboyant with their décor. All that tinsel and those sparkly lights make it the perfect point in the year for people to satisfy their inner magpie, and excuse it as celebrating Jesus to boot. …
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Funniest Gift Giving Memes About the Perils of Presents

There’s a reason that retail workers across the land dread this most special time of year: everyone and their dog is out there buying presents. It’s no secret that Christmas is the ultimate consumerism fest. Right about now, most of us have a list of loved ones, friends, and even co-workers that we have to …
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Funniest ‘October 31st to November 1st’ Memes for Those Who Have Already Shifted from Spooky to Festive

Wow, that escalated quickly. It feels like it was just yesterday that we were all having scary movie marathons and drenching ourselves in fake bl0od to go out… Oh wait, it was! Halloween was epic. Never forget the costume parties and spooky scare decor. And I’m sure your Halloween costume this year absolutely slayed! But …
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Guy Gets Girlfriend Identical Gift To Last Christmas, Realizes He’s Not Alone

There’s a reason that there are so many gift guides out there: festive present buying is an art form, and it’s one that many of us are not well trained in. Almost everyone has had to endure the ritual of forced politeness when they receive an unwanted gift, and the willingness to ask if they …
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30+ Christmas Memes for Anyone Feeling Festive

I don’t want a lot for Christmas. There is just one thing I need. I don’t care about the presents underneath the Christmas tree. All I want for Christmas is, you guessed it, memes. If you’re also feeling pretty festive today, keep scrolling for a bountiful bunch of funny and wholesome memes to get you …
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British Train Driver’s Running Commentary Brings Passengers Festive Cheer

Public transport is the last thing most of us would associate with holiday cheer. There’s nothing like constant delays and miserable commuters to dampen the mood, whatever the time of year.  However, if you happen to be taking the Northern Line of the London Underground at the right time of day, you may just come …
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Odd Vintage Christmas Cards That Some WTF Into Festivities

Christmas is a holiday so embedded in the American psyche that most things about it seem pretty generic. From fairy lights to Santa’s elves, everything about this festive season is a well-worn trope. This doesn’t always have to be the case, though, as in the past people chose to make anything Xmas-themed a little more …
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Odd Vintage Christmas Cards That Put Some WTF Into Festivities

Christmas is a holiday so embedded in the American psyche that most things about it seem pretty generic. From fairy lights to Santa’s elves, everything about this festive season is a well-worn trope. This doesn’t always have to be the case, though, as in the past people chose to make anything Xmas-themed a little more …
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