25+ Baffling Design Choices Found in the Wild (March 3, 2024)

I used to fantasize about decorating my own space when I was a kid, and then I grew up and realized that it’s really freaking expensive to do that. Sure you can use Pinterest hacks where you can, but at the end of the day, furniture is expensive and your landlord probably won’t let you …
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25 Baffling Design Choices Found in the Wild (February 18, 2024)

Have you ever had that dumb human moment when you independently invent something that already exists? I’ll give you an example. I once thought to myself «I wish they made pockets that you could wear with any outfit. Maybe it would have a strap and you would wear it on the outside of your clothes.» …
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25 Baffling Design Choices Found in the Wild (February 11, 2024)

In grade school, I used to have a writing teacher who would offer extra credit to you if you spotted a typo in the real world, took a picture of it, and sent it to her. It was a great idea all around. I had fun checking signs for bad grammar, and I was also …
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24 Wacky Design Fails Found in the Wild (February 4, 2024)

Design is the unspoken language of the universe. It’s everywhere, whether we know it or not. The clothes you’re wearing, the chair you’re sitting on, the screen you’re looking at, the font that this is typed in… somebody had to make those. Of course, in the era of AI, there might be less and less …
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25 Baffling Design Choices Found in the Wild

I’m no designer, but I do have common sense. Sometimes we get so caught up in trying to make something look good that we lose sight of its actual functionality. As the saying goes, we were so busy wondering if we can that we didn’t stop and ask if we should. But I’m all for a wonky design choice. …
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30 Hilariously Absurd Signs Found in the Wild

Do you ever feel like you’re looking for a sign from the universe? That you need a little reassurance to know that you’re doing the right thing? Do you ever find yourself looking for answers in the faces of strangers? Have you ever leafed through a book looking for clues about your own life? Me …
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40 Humorously Preposterous Signs Found in the Wild

I’m the type of person who believes in signs from the universe. I believe in fated coincidences, real-life symbolism, and cosmic happenstances. Why? Because it’s way more fun to be the type of person who believes than the type of person who doesn’t. I know there are a lot of logical realists out there who …
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24 Lackadaisical Design Choices That Baffle the Mind

We all slack off now and then. It’s part of human nature to get a little lazy sometimes and do the bare minimum required to stay afloat. The other day, I ordered delivery for a salad I was craving, and after I pressed send on the delivery, I realized I had almost every ingredient needed …
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25 Times Designers Were Asleep at the Wheel

Few things can be as frustrating as bad design. When your water bottle is just a hair too big to fit under the faucet, when the pockets of your new jeans are actually faux pockets, or when you push a door that’s clearly marked «pull.» Okay, maybe that last one is user error. Why am …
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‘RIP Graphic Designers’: New Meme Pokes Fun at Tacky Logos Produced by Artificial Intelligence

The great bogeyman of all creative industries right now is artificial intelligence. Not a day goes by on the apps where some sanctimonious tech investor claims that millions of jobs will be wiped out by the power of robots. It’s true that the way AI is progressing, a lot of workplaces will never look the …
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