‘Imma try to see it through’: Job Applicant Calls Out Misleading Interview Experience After Walking Out

Even in a best case scenario, a job interview is a stressful experience. You have to be switched on with a rolodex of snappy answers about how employable you are until wherever you’re interviewing eventually puts you out of your misery. It is something that few people find enjoyable, and it is even worse when …
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‘Why should we hire you?’: Relatable Interview Memes for Resume Peddlers Wondering If Unemployment is Really All That Bad

When you’re reaching the second and third interview in the hiring process, you start to question all of the unpaid labor you’ve already dumped into this prospective employment. Not only have you slaved over your resume, you applied directly on some website portal that asked you all the same questions that you already provided information …
Seguir leyendo ‘Why should we hire you?’: Relatable Interview Memes for Resume Peddlers Wondering If Unemployment is Really All That Bad

‘It’s turned into a no-win situation’: Recruiter Gets Slammed for Complaining About Applicant Rejecting an Extra Surprise Interview

Job hunting is one of the most thankless and humiliating tasks that many of us will ever have to go through. The process of growing a personality shiny and corporate enough that we will receive the privilege of getting paid is painful.  Considering how incompetent some employees are, the whole process doesn’t even work that …
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Company Drags Mid-Level Applicant Through Arduous Seven-Part Interview Process

Very few jobs require an interview process that goes on for months on end. Take the President of the United States, for example. In this scenario, the American people are the recruiters, and the Presidential candidates are the applicants. It can take years for somebody to get that job, which involves months of grueling debates, …
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Ridiculous Recruiter Harasses Applicant For Requesting Interview at ‘Noon’

There are so many people in the world who are bad at their jobs, including, but not limited to, the people who hire people. Good recruiters are communicative, professional, prompt, and transparent. They introduce applicants to the position in a way that reflects well on the company as a whole. A good recruitment experience can …
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Interview Memes for Job Searching Fiends

Have you ever fumbled an interview? If you’re like me and most people, of course. It’s the worst part of the job search. Let’s talk about them. As a person who’s perpetually nervous and inarticulate, interviews are my worst nightmare. Even the most confident people I know still dread them. It’s the quickest way to …
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Inept Recruiter Rejects Technical Writer With 8 Years of Experience For Being ‘Too Inexperienced’

Applying for jobs is tough; every entry-level position wants 3-5 years of experience, which makes the distinction of «entry-level» an oxymoron. Most career coaches will tell you to apply for jobs you’re inexperienced in anyways because, usually, the people writing the job ads set the bar higher than they need to in order to draw …
Seguir leyendo Inept Recruiter Rejects Technical Writer With 8 Years of Experience For Being ‘Too Inexperienced’

Cole Sprouse Does Interview While Smoking Inside, Makes It Look Like the Dorkiest Thing Ever

We aren’t here to encourage bad habits. There’s no denying that smoking is a terrible thing to do to your body, and that more people should quit. However, it has to be said that it can look incredibly damn cool. Many have been seduced into the idea by old Hollywood movies, or impossibly chic French …
Seguir leyendo Cole Sprouse Does Interview While Smoking Inside, Makes It Look Like the Dorkiest Thing Ever

Company Drags Mid-Level Applicant Through Grueling Seven-Part Interview Process

Very few jobs require an interview process that goes on for months on end. Take the President of the United States, for example. In this scenario, the American people are the recruiters, and the Presidential candidates are the applicants. It can take years for somebody to get that job, which involves months of grueling debates, …
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Crazy Recruiter Harasses Applicant For Requesting Interview at ‘Noon’

There are so many people in the world who are bad at their jobs, including, but not limited to, the people who hire people. Good recruiters are communicative, professional, prompt, and transparent. They introduce applicants to the position in a way that reflects well on the company as a whole. A good recruitment experience can …
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