A Healthy Helping of Memes for Growing Boys and Girls

Something I like to say even though it’s not true anymore is «I’m a growing girl.» I say that to myself when I finish an ice cream cone in 5 minutes flat and feel a little bad about it. I say that when I want to go to sleep at 9 PM even though that’s considered «lame» and «depressing» by my peers. It’s true in a way.  No, I’m no longer gaining inches lengthwise (I’m officially giving up on that second …
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35+ Memes That Put the ‘Fun’ In Funny

Ok, forgive me if this is something everyone already has thought about… but does the word «funny» come from the word «fun?» It would sort of make sense. The concepts are definitely interrelated. But they’re not synonymous. There are plenty of fun things that aren’t funny. Have you ever laughed on a roller coaster? Probably …
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45 Memes That Tickle Your Giggle Box

Where do laughs come from? Our throats, sure, but how does that work? And no I don’t need any «Well, actually» types coming along and stomping out all the fun. Let me wonder in a poetic sense, won’t you? If you’ve ever tried to force a laugh, you know how hard it can be. Many …
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Funny Generation X Memes For Members of The Forgotten Generation

I recently discovered something I would have never known unless a Gen Xer told me. Apparently, the way that I watched Daria on Hulu was not how it was initially aired. In the 90s, the show wasn’t punctuated by the guitar riffs from the theme song but had tons of 90s hits courtesy of MTV. …
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30 Memes That Can Take the Heat

Why is tolerating spice such a point of pride for so many folks? I’m not immune to it. Part of me does think I’m better than others because I can handle a spicy dish. But that’s totally unfounded. I guess we see it as a point of pride or strength since you need tough taste …
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30 of the Funniest Parenting Tweets of the Week (February 29, 2024)

Happy Leap Day, parents. It’s that extra day that you’ve always wished for when you said «If I could just have an extra day, I could get everything done.» Except today is tragically a normal Thursday and we must go to work and school and carry on as if everything matters. If only we could …
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30+ Gen X Memes For Xoomers and Xennials

Gen X is a pretty exclusive generational club. It’s no wonder many stragglers who are technically baby boomers or millennials want to be a part of what Gen X offers. Take my parents, for instance. They were born in 1962 and 1963 and don’t want to be aligned with being baby boomers. I mean, who …
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Goofy Elder Millennial Reveals Tattoo Designs Perfectly Capturing Your Late 30’s

Getting a tattoo is a big commitment. Unlike a piercing or getting grounded by your parents, this act of societal rebellion is slightly more permanent. For indecisive elder millennials still stuck in their rebellious teenage years, it’s a dizzying realization to acknowledge our adult autonomy– but it’s tough to narrow down what you actually want …
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31 Y2K Memes That Won’t Charge You $0.99 for a Ringtone

There were so many things about the early 2000s that were iconic. Firstly, when the clock struck midnight on the last night of the 90’s, the world thought it was going to vanish in a big puff of exploding glitter, but actually what came next was an epically unhinged era of the Internet. Before all …
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