25 Avril Lavigne Memes for Sk8r Boi’s Who Never Grew Out of Their Pop Punk Phase

Black eyeliner, neon hair streaks, army pants, and neckties had a stranglehold on every 13-year-old floundering in their pop-punk phase. Whether you care to admit it or not, there was an allure to cutting holes in the knee of our skinny jeans, straightening your hair with a 400-degree wet-2-dry straightening iron, coloring your fingernails with …
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Wholesome Boomer Moments That Transcend Generational Angst

Younguns on the internet, myself included, love a good chance to dunk on a boomer. It’s a favorite pastime of Millennials and Gen Z. We can’t help it, generational tension is a tale as old as time. I’m sure the Silent Generation and a lot to say about the Greatest Generation. I mean, that naming …
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Zoomers Roast Millennials For Dressing Up as ‘Old Memes’ at a Meme Party

When you hear the word «meme,» what’s the first thing that pops into your head? I can almost guarantee you it’s not the hottest newest meme that’s just been reported on Know Your Meme today. It’s probably some lame image macro that hasn’t been relevant since at least 2012, and even back then, it was …
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Millennial Memes That Marvelously Describe What It’s Like Being 30

Being a millennial is a pleasure. According to every other generation, we’re the punching bag of civilization, we’re our parents personal IT team, and we’re the weird ‘middle child’ of society. But fortunately, we are also a generation that grew up on flip phones, Lunchables, and Internet memes. Maybe being in your 30’s ain’t all …
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Gen X Memes For Those Who Remember the 80s And 90s

Nothing will make you feel old like new historical American Girl dolls. When I was a kid, the doll that was set closest to modern times was Molly, and she was ten years old in 1944. She was nearly the same age as my grandmother, whose childhood felt pretty far away. Eventually, they released Julie, …
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20 Ancient Memes From a Simpler Time With Questionable Humor

I think that those of us who try to keep up with the times have a complex relationship with older memes. On the one hand, they’re the foundation for whatever the heck is going on in the here and now, and some of them hold up surprisingly well. On the other, they’re a stark a …
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Some Bomb-Dot-Com Memes for Millennials in Need of All That and a Bag of Nostalgia

«Scrollin’ with my homies (sippin’ we meme all night, yeah). Sippin’ on memes all night (I got us on the way in the CBT, and it’s alright). Meme all night. Scrollin’ with my homies (sippin’ memes all night, yeah). Scrollin’ on memes all night (I got us on the way in the CBT, and it’s …
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25+ Fresh Inspirational Memes to Replace Your ‘Hang In There’ Cat Poster

Welcome to 2023, where we’re all (hopefully) in therapy and trying to escape the mismanagement of late-stage capitalism. How do we not only survive, but thrive during these unprecedented times? Well, I don’t know about the rest of you, but I sure survive through memes. But what does that really mean anyways? It means that …
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Meme-lennials: A ’90s Disney Thermos Full of Nostalgic Memes for Millennials in Need of Warm Nostalgic Satisfaction (July 27,2023)

Sometimes you just need to laugh like you did when you were young again. Like when you were little little with no sponserbilities and no worries. You just needed a plastic toy screw driver in your pocket and you could do anything. Or you just needed to be adopted by a sweet old lady and …
Seguir leyendo Meme-lennials: A ’90s Disney Thermos Full of Nostalgic Memes for Millennials in Need of Warm Nostalgic Satisfaction (July 27,2023)

27 Sassily Seasoned Tweets Gen Z Can’t Relate to

It’s finally happening, we’re getting… older (shudder). We feel terribly ancient, as standing up, sitting down, and reaching for things above our waist line somehow make our body emit cracking sounds we’ve never experienced before. Always busy and always tired seems to sum up our existence at the moment. Passing by children (anybody under the …
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