Prospective homeowners lament obstinate boomers who block younger relatives from inheriting property: ‘It’s hard not to feel like the Baby Boomer generation let their children & grandchildren down’

It may be old news, but it never gets any less painful to realize that many of us under the age of 50 are far less likely to ever own a home than our older relatives were. If you don’t have a high-paying job or the Bank of Mom and Dad on your side, the …
Seguir leyendo Prospective homeowners lament obstinate boomers who block younger relatives from inheriting property: ‘It’s hard not to feel like the Baby Boomer generation let their children & grandchildren down’

‘Your friends are selfish’: Fed-up friend makes plans for 7:30AM, claims that millennials ‘can’t wake up early’

Some people thrive in the morning. They wake up with energy, ready to tackle the day and all it may have in store. I think these people are lucky. Just because the rest of us have trouble waking up doesn’t mean we don’t want to. I’m aspirationally a morning person. It rarely works out, but …
Seguir leyendo ‘Your friends are selfish’: Fed-up friend makes plans for 7:30AM, claims that millennials ‘can’t wake up early’

25+ Pixar Memes That Go to Infinity and Beyond

I don’t know how, but Pixar has nailed the formula of a family-friendly movie that kids adore, adults will happily sit through, and is a perfect mix of uplifting and devastating, each in their own way. My personal favorite is Ratatouille, which I think might be the best animated movie (or maybe just movie) of all time. It’s genuinely funny, sweet, and transports you to the romance of …
Seguir leyendo 25+ Pixar Memes That Go to Infinity and Beyond

28 Phrases That Will Take Every Millennial Back to Their Childhood: ‘Call after 9 pm when it’s free’

Ah, the good old days, or were they? There’s nothing quite like the nostalgic memories of yelling at your sibling to get off the phone so you could make a call, or trying to kick your annoying little brother off the internet just to check your email. And who can forget the chaos of getting …
Seguir leyendo 28 Phrases That Will Take Every Millennial Back to Their Childhood: ‘Call after 9 pm when it’s free’

Mom incessantly insults millennials, discovers ‘millennial’ doesn’t mean a lazy, pathetic, entitled person: ‘She called a 80-ish year old lady at her church a millennial’

What does it mean to be a boomer? Those of us who still care about numbers, math, and time would say that a person born between 1946-1964 is a baby boomer, but that is not the sole definition. Many Zoomers refer to any person they consider old, whether they’re a member of the Silent Generation, …
Seguir leyendo Mom incessantly insults millennials, discovers ‘millennial’ doesn’t mean a lazy, pathetic, entitled person: ‘She called a 80-ish year old lady at her church a millennial’

Geriatric Millennial praises Gen Z for having the ‘right attitude’ towards working retail: »I could care less’… That is truly the correct attitude to have’

The only way to survive retail is to be like a duck and let the insults roll off your back like water. At least, that’s what I always told myself when a ruthless Karen was breathing down my neck while I was checking back stock for an impossible item. Just let it roll off. The …
Seguir leyendo Geriatric Millennial praises Gen Z for having the ‘right attitude’ towards working retail: »I could care less’… That is truly the correct attitude to have’

‘Showgirls used to scare me bc I thought she was a big worm’: Nostalgic millennials share the VHS covers from the 80s and 90s that terrified them as kids

Being a kid is a trip in many different ways. It’s easy to forget how un-used we were to the world back in those days. When you’re young, even the simplest things can seem overwhelming so it’s no wonder that the media we consume can make an even bigger impact in these vulnerable years. For …
Seguir leyendo ‘Showgirls used to scare me bc I thought she was a big worm’: Nostalgic millennials share the VHS covers from the 80s and 90s that terrified them as kids

‘Having war flashbacks to 5th grade’: Millennial and Gen Z fashionistas freak out over the return of Y2K style at Urban Outfitters

What goes around most definitely comes around. Especially when it comes to fashion. I remember showing my mom a pair of acid-washed shorts and a neon pink tank top I wanted to wear to a birthday party in 8th grade and being confused when she responded with shock and horror. To me, it was trendy and fun. …
Seguir leyendo ‘Having war flashbacks to 5th grade’: Millennial and Gen Z fashionistas freak out over the return of Y2K style at Urban Outfitters

Gen X Shares How They Went From YOLO to ‘Get Off My Lawn’

Groaning when you climb up a flight of stairs is the new norm. Remembering names has become more difficult, although to be fair, you were never particularly good at that anyway. And the music? This new stuff sounds like angry robots having a rave in a blender. Does this sound like you? Congrats, you’re getting …
Seguir leyendo Gen X Shares How They Went From YOLO to ‘Get Off My Lawn’