20+ Boomer Technology Struggle Posts For Coots Who Can’t Check Their Email

Not all baby boomers are bad at technology; only most of them are. I thank the universe daily that my parents aren’t so old that they can’t write an email or post to Facebook without accidentally posting a blurry picture of their befuddled faces. Honestly, I think those remaining from the Silent Generation are the …
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Mom incessantly insults millennials, discovers ‘millennial’ doesn’t mean a lazy, pathetic, entitled person: ‘She called a 80-ish year old lady at her church a millennial’

What does it mean to be a boomer? Those of us who still care about numbers, math, and time would say that a person born between 1946-1964 is a baby boomer, but that is not the sole definition. Many Zoomers refer to any person they consider old, whether they’re a member of the Silent Generation, …
Seguir leyendo Mom incessantly insults millennials, discovers ‘millennial’ doesn’t mean a lazy, pathetic, entitled person: ‘She called a 80-ish year old lady at her church a millennial’

25+ Boomer Facebook Fails That Are as Funny as They Are Concerning

Over its history as a website, Facebook has somehow gone from a fun place to keep up with your friends, post albums of photos, and see what bands your crush likes to a scary minefield full of ads, outraged citizens, and of course, boomers. Everyone has an aunt who somehow has thousands of Facebook friends, …
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25+ Wholesome Boomer Moments That Radiate Pure Joy

In the eternal words of everybody’s mother everywhere «If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.» I’m all about positivity these days. But try telling that to the good folks on Twitter. We live in a time of such conflict and turmoil that good, clean fun is hard to come …
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20+ Cringey Facebook Memes That Might Make Your Boomer Relatives Chuckle After Christmas Dinner

It’s no secret that older people can have some problems with adapting to technology. Many seem to love nothing more than uploading cryptic Facebook statuses and leaving out-of-pocket comments on strangers’ photos.  Perhaps their most beloved social media pastime of all, though, is interacting with tragically dated and unfunny memes. There is a whole subsection …
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Teen Receives Absurd List of «Rules» On Her First Day of Work

Older people love to lecture teenagers about their laziness, but I think that couldn’t be further from the truth. Sure, there are always some bad apples who couldn’t care less about working hard at school, work, or extracurricular activities, but I would argue that more is expected of teens now than ever before. They have …
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Wholesome Boomer Moments That Transcend Generational Angst

Younguns on the internet, myself included, love a good chance to dunk on a boomer. It’s a favorite pastime of Millennials and Gen Z. We can’t help it, generational tension is a tale as old as time. I’m sure the Silent Generation and a lot to say about the Greatest Generation. I mean, that naming …
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Millennials Share Boomer Hot Takes They Agree With

As young people, we give baby boomers a lot of slack, but we’re far from the first to do so. People have resented baby boomers for decades for all sorts of reasons. They were the entitled children of the post-war era, reaping all the benefits of the economic boom of the 50s without having to …
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Boomer Accuses Younger Job Hunter of Laziness, Gets Yelled At In Public

Anyone who has applied for a job in the past couple of years knows it’s a very tricky process. So much goes into job hunting, and it’s not as simple as being the most qualified person for a position. Job interviews sometimes feel like they’re taking place in an alternate reality; how you articulate yourself …
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Male Karen Berates Son-In Law For Tipping at a Restaurant

Anyone who has worked as a waiter knows that people who don’t tip are the worst. In the United States, many waiters only get paid $2 hourly and, therefore, only survive on tips. Some restaurants don’t even pay their servers an hourly wage. This is basically common knowledge at this point, so for most people, …
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