The Funniest Disney Memes of the Week (July 9, 2023)

Do any of y’all remember the Peter Pandom; the massive group of Tumblr fangirls who were obsessed with the actors who played Peter Pan at Disneyland? It was one of those phenomena that, upon reflection, feels like something I hallucinated when I had the swine flu. Do y’all remember the swine flu? Those were the …
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The Best Disney Memes of the Week (June 10, 2023)

I hate when people think Cinderella is the most misogynistic Disney movie. She’s my favorite Disney princess, so I have to defend my girl. When someone says that Cinderella needed a man to save her, it’s clear they haven’t seen the film since they were kids and don’t remember the details. Half of the movie …
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Funny Lion King Memes for Simba Fans

No matter what diehard fans everywhere would like to think, Disney can be an acquired taste. Mickey Mouse and reimagined fairytales aren’t everybody’s idea of fun. If there’s one Disney story that almost anyone can enjoy, though, it has to be The Lion King. The heart-wrenching family drama which is basically Bambi in Sub-Saharan Africa …
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The Best Disney Memes of the Week (April 15, 2023)

Do any of you all remember the Peter Pandom; the massive group of Tumblr fangirls who were obsessed with the actors who played Peter Pan at Disneyland? It was one of those phenomena that, upon reflection, feels like something I hallucinated when I had the swine flu. Do y’all remember the swine flu? Those were …
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Super Memey Memes For True Memeheads

I love memes. There, I said it. Few people these days are proud to admit they are memeheads, but I’m surely not one of them. I live and breathe memes. From the moment I wake up to when my head hits the pillow, memes are like sugarplums dancing through my head. I don’t opt for …
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Musical Memes For Proud Theatre Kids

One of the biggest money-makers from NYC tourism is Broadway musicals, and I understand why!  No city in the United States has a better selection of incredible theatre playing at any given time. I was a theatre kid when I lived in Texas, but I was never one of those people who wanted to see …
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Funniest Lion King Memes for Simba Fans

No matter what diehard fans everywhere would like to think, Disney can be an acquired taste. Mickey Mouse and reimagined fairytales aren’t everybody’s idea of fun. If there’s one Disney story that almost anyone can enjoy, though, it has to be The Lion King. The heart-wrenching family drama which is basically Bambi in Sub-Saharan Africa …
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The Funniest Disney Memes of the Week (February 18, 2023)

Of all of the billion-dollar corporations, there is not one with better brand recognition than Disney. How could there be? Do you think Apple could make timeless animated classics, less timeless live-action flicks, incredible theme parks, and Twitches? I don’t think so. Disney has convinced millions of people to wear their logo as merchandise. Google …
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The Best Disney Memes of the Week (February 11, 2023)

This week, Disney announced several upcoming sequels: Frozen 3, Zootopia 2, Toy Story 5, and Inside Out 2. Toy Story 5 is simultaneously the most and least shocking of all the projects. Pixar cannot let Andy’s toys go, and I understand why! I speak for millions when I say I would forever be entertained by …
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The Best Disney Memes of the Week (January 7, 2023)

When I was a kid, I was obsessed with Creepypastas. Many of the most famous creepypastas originated on the Something Awful forum, where people would share their craziest «true» horror stories. People tried their hardest to create the most believable and terrifying scary stories, usually starring their own original monster. The most recognizable Creepypasta protagonists …
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