The Funniest Disney Memes of the Week (December 31, 2022)

Happy New Year, Disney nerds! 2023 is upon us, and I, for one, am excited about what the new year has to offer regarding Disney projects. The movie I am most excited about has got to be the remake of The Little Mermaid starring Halle Bailey. I may or may not have watched the pirated …
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Super Memey Memes For Real Memeheads

I love memes. There, I said it. Few people these days are proud to admit they are memeheads, but I’m surely not one of them. I live and breathe memes. From the moment I wake up to when my head hits the pillow, memes are like sugarplums dancing through my head. I don’t opt for …
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The Funniest Disney Memes of the Week (November 19, 2022)

Let’s be honest: Disney theme parks are literally the best theme parks in the world, and it’s not even close. I know that Disney fans have dealt with many issues since the parks reopened. The mouse is really trying to get every dollar you’ve got and then some. They’re even making park guests pay for …
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The Funniest Disney Memes of the Week (November 6, 2022)

I’ve been a big Disney fangirl since I was a kid, and at this point, I’m seriously worried about what the future will look like for the company. They’ve been consistently releasing live-action versions of their animated classics for about 7 years, and yet it feels like they’ve been doing it for a lifetime. Eventually, …
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The Funniest Disney Memes of the Week (October 23, 2022)

Of all of the billion-dollar corporations, there is none with better brand recognition than Disney. How could there be? Do you think Apple could make timeless animated classics, less timeless live-action flicks, incredible theme parks, and Twitches? I don’t think so. Disney has convinced millions of people to wear their logo as merchandise. Google could …
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Disney Memes For Proud Disney Adults

Disney Adults are one of the most oppressed groups in the world today. Well, not necessarily, but they do get a lot of slack for the mere crime of liking a theme park. Sure, maybe wearing mouse ears and crying when you meet Donald Duck is «cringe» by the standards of conventional society, but within …
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The Future King of Chicago is a Corgi After Being Lifted from an Apartment Window like Simba During the Wicker Park Street Fest

But who IS he??

Simply An Assortment Of Semi-Humorous Memes

While some of you might not know what day it is, we’re still keeping track. Because we’re still working hard to provide y’all with some decent to moderately amusing memes. As we ease ourselves out of Thursday, we want ‘em to keep your spirits high. There might be a dumb toilet paper shortage stateside, but we’re …
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