‘Don’t worry, we’ll get you a nose job’: Gen X and millennial daughters complain about the cruelty of boomer moms

As a culture, we have long come to accept that the Baby Boomer generation seems unique in their ability to be impolite and sling insults with little to no prompting. We don’t know if it’s the lifelong sense of entitlement or the lead exposure, but a lot of them are just plain mean—especially when it comes to those who find it hard to fight back, like customer service workers, or their kids.

It’s probably no surprise that the daughters of boomer moms often experience things they shouldn’t, according to one particularly brutal Twitter thread. In it, women whose mothers hailed from this generation complained about the treatment they had faced growing up. From ridiculous remarks to unfair punishments, the therapy bills have got to be large. Parenting is no easy ride, but it shouldn’t be difficult to avoid giving your kid a complex by continually telling them that they’re fat. 

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