Memes From the Past and Present

Much like diamonds, memes are forever. They might not have always been around since the dawn of man, but now that they’re here, they’re never going to go away. They keep mutating and multiplying into different forms; it’s so hard to keep up. These days, it’s hard to even define what a «meme» is anyway! Is a tweet a meme? Is a Tumblr post a meme? Our sources say yes, but would the majority of the meme consuming public agree with that analysis? Who knows? Is a TikTok a meme? What about a TikTok sound that gets used over and over again? How many memes does it take to get to the center of a Zoomer? The world may never know!

If you’re a normal meme fan, you probably try not to think about the implications of an ever-expanding meme ecosystem too much. You sit down, shut up, and scroll.

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