Penny-pinching mom tries to charge fellow parent $15 for their child having a playdate with her daughter: ‘I can’t keep doing these playdates if it’s so expensive’

Few things eat into your income quite as much as having a child. It’s difficult to realize the sheer magnitude of expenses it takes to raise a whole person until you have committed to spend the next 18 years minimum to doing just that. From nappies to birthday parties, it all costs money. It’s understandable to feel the need to cut corners now and then.

However, there are certain lines that should not be crossed when it comes to the financial etiquette of raising a child. For example, charging their friends to spend time with probably isn’t the best idea. Nonetheless, this is exactly what one mom claimed she did when her daughter had a friend over for a playdate. Charging her for things like food and «wear and tear» for sitting on the couch, other people were understandably perplexed at why she would do this. Clearly, she isn’t too bothered about her kid having a social life.

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