The Funniest Friends Memes of the Week (June 13, 2024)

When I was a kid, I was absolutely sure that when I grew up, I would have a group of friends just like in the show. People who would be more of a family to me than my actual family, that I would live with, go on vacations with, sit around at a coffee shop the majority of the day with, etc… And while that was true for maybe the first two years after high school, it is beyond me how people manage to keep their friends, or even make friends after they pass the age of 25. 

I never talk to my neighbors, the people I work with are great, but I never see them out of the office, and if I tried contacting one of my high school friends I would probably get a response no earlier than November. So how does one make friends that stay for life? That is not a rhetorical question, please submit your answers in the comments down below, thank you.

Who needs friends when you have The Friends? Or even better, when you have Friends-themed memes? Scroll down to enjoy this week’s collection of them. After you are done, click here for a collection of hilarious relatable memes.

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