The Funniest Friends Memes of the Week (June 5, 2024)

How do you think you would react if you found out that your best friend and your sister are secretly together?

I have just rewatched one of the greatest episodes in Friends history (with a 9.7 rating on IMDB), and arguably one of the best episodes in TV history period – ‘The One Where Everybody Finds Out’. The moment right at the end of the episode, when Ross finally finds out about Monica and Chandler, got me thinking about what I would do if I were in that situation. Would I be happy that my best friend and my sibling are in love and happy, or would I be nervous about my relationship with them both and how it may change?

I think Ross’s reaction was spot on, and not to mention hilarious, and I am not surprised it is one of the most iconic moments in the show. We can all learn from his eventual supportive attitude towards Mondler and only hope that we would have done the same.

Make sure to scroll down to enjoy this week’s collection of hysterical Friends memes. After you are done with those, click here for a story of a teacher who had to give a wake-up call to one of their lazy students.

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