The Funniest Memey Memes of Today (May 21, 2024)

Here at Memebase, we do a lot of serialized articles. If you revisit Tolkien Tuesday or Disney memes every week, we appreciate it so much! There’s something nice about returning somewhere every week to see 15-30 beautiful memes about the same topic that warms the hearts and minds of those who love consistency! I wouldn’t be surprised if David Lynch logged into Memebase every week and had a grand old time with parenting tweets. Not all serials are winners (RIP Astrology memes), but we love giving the people what they want when they work.

The most consistent thing we do serially is lists of random memes. Random memes might not be for everyone, but they are the foundation, or base rather, of all memes. These memes are served fresh out of the oven every morning and night, and it would take some disaster for them to go away. If you have a random spirit, these funny and random memes will play into the element of surprise. 

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