‘Use uncomfortable silences in negotiations’: Resourceful Redditors Share the Best Psychology Tips and Hacks They Know

You can resolve every conflict you have with another person with just a little psychology, one of the most important sciences in human history. Even though it can sound a bit boring or dull, with psychology you can find a way to approach every single social situation with the best tools to properly deal with it. To do that, you don’t have to have a PhD in psychology, all you really need is some tricks and hacks in your arsenal. 

This Reddit thread on AskReddit, which was prompted with the question – ‘What’s the best psychology trick you know?’, will take you one step forward in always getting your way with other people, or at least will help you learn a little bit more about the way people think and behave. A truly important and educational experience. 

Scroll down to read some of the best tips people had to share. After that, click here for a story of a man who called out their cousin on social media for not paying her debt.

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