‘You crossed the line’: Daughter sends her overbearing parents on a wild goose chase after discovering they put a tracker in her car

More often than not, you hear about parents who have no idea when to finally let go and let their kids get by in the world alone as adults. While it usually comes from a good place, as they want to help their kids and make sure they are okay, it can become extremely overbearing really fast.

The parents in this Reddit story definitely crossed a line when it comes to their daughter. OP (original poster), shared on Reddit that her parents have no boundaries when it comes to her. She even had to get her locks changed because they kept going into her house announced and refused to give her the key back. The last straw happened when she found out they put a GPS tracker in her car, so she decided to put that tracker on a truck heading to Canada and see how they would respond.

Scroll down to read the full story. After you are done, click here for a story of a man who demanded his brother buy him a house.

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