‘What a satisfying text it was to receive’: Petty ex-wife signs ex-husband up for T-ball coaching duty, gets her just desserts

The politics behind children’s sports teams are more complicated than the political systems of most nations. Take a bunch of parents with varied interests, interpersonal drama of their own, and a desire to live vicariously through their children, and you have a recipe for drama. That’s why shows like Dance Moms and Toddlers and Tiaras make for such riveting television. They feature …
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30 Baseball Memes to Kick Off A Swingin’ Baseball Season

Baseball is America’s pastime for a reason. It’s a storied game with a storied history, full of inspiration, hope, and Americana. It’s also a great excuse to eat a hot dog. Now that I think of it, most great American pastimes are good excuses to eat a hot dog (Tailgating, backyard barbecues, block parties). But …
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20+ Wii Sport Memes For Nostalgic Gamers Craving a Game of Tennis

The mid-2000s seem like a different world nowadays. Flip phones were still in widespread use, skinny jeans were just starting to become fashionable again, and the financial crisis hadn’t come along to wipe out all of our hopes and dreams yet.  This was the environment into which Nintendo released the Wii, the console that was …
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The Funniest Sports Tweets of All Time (February 9, 2024)

There are so many different sides to Twitter, and finding the right side for you is the best way to have a good experience on the X app. Before Elon Musk took over, the #1 complaint I heard about Twitter was that it was difficult to cultivate your feed, and beginners did not know who …
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MLB Memes For Baseball Fans Who Still Consider It America’s Pastime

There’s something kind of sad about how baseball has fallen out of favor as the epitome of American sports over the past 50 years. Don’t get me wrong, I love watching basketball and football, and I don’t think those sports have replaced baseball by any means. I think that baseball has some underrated qualities that …
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MLB Memes For Opening Day

Happy Opening Day, everybody! The long-awaited baseball season is finally here, and the possibilities are endless! Last night, I had a weirdly prophetic dream about the Chicago White Sox that I’d like to share with you all. In my dream, I got off at the L stop near the White Sox field. Fun Fact, their …
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Baseball Memes For MLB Fans Celebrating The World Series

It’s that time of the year again: The World Series. On some level, every baseball fan is excited about the world series, but everyone knows that not all world series’ are created equal. In my household, nothing compared to watching the Chicago Cubs break the curse in 2016. Even though I might not be the …
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Nathan Fielder Tickles Twitter With Unimpressed Reaction to Mets Game

Anyone familiar with the work of Nathan Fielder knows that his whole shtick doesn’t fit comfortably in the idea of what a famous person should be like. Nathan For You and The Rehearsal have shown that the comedian isn’t big on being the most personable, let alone basking in the spotlight. Graduating from one of …
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Man Gets Caught In 4K With Audacious Drink Smuggling Attempt

When it comes to ways of trying to drink in secret, there are varying degrees of stupidity. Unfortunately, many methods veer towards the extremely dumb end of the scale, as one viral video has recently proved.  Sullying the name of Mets fans everywhere, eyebrows have been raised at somebody’s attempt to pull off a clumsy …
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