‘His sister will come in and «doctor up» the food I’m making’: Husband and SIL refuse to stop ruining woman’s dinners

This kitchen has too many chefs.  The secret to great cooking is following a recipe. Unless you’re a super skilled chef with years of experience eyeballing your measurements and tweaking your recipes, you’re gonna need a proper recipe. Everyone has different skill levels in the kitchen too, so it doesn’t hurt to have a list …
Seguir leyendo ‘His sister will come in and «doctor up» the food I’m making’: Husband and SIL refuse to stop ruining woman’s dinners

33 Michelin-Starred Food Memes For Your Refined Palate

I’m the first one to admit that I don’t have the most refined palate regarding food. I love trash food, and I love quality food just the same. The only difference is that one is more affordable than the other, so I tend to favor it. Even so, I could easily cook better than I …
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Hot Dog Memes That Aren’t Boiled

Summer is officially here, and you know what that means? It’s time to chow down on a hot dog at a 4th of July barbeque. Every American city has a very different idea of what a hot dog should be. I’m mostly talking about New York and Chicago because those cities will let you know …
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Weird Food Memes For Freaky Foodies

What’s the weirdest food you’ve ever eaten? For me, it’s squid on a stick. I went on a school trip to China when I was 15, and we got to experience some neat Chinese street food. Squid on a stick was the wildest option I was willing to try, but I could’ve pushed myself harder. …
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People Discuss Their Least Favorite Foods That Most People Like

Nobody can like every food. Even if you pride yourself on not being picky, you probably have at least one food, even a popular food, that you don’t like. For me, it’s French Onion Soup. As someone who likes onions, soup, and cheesy bread, you’d think I’d enjoy this meal, but I don’t. I don’t …
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The Best Food Memes to Bite Into

I have a food confession to make. Every day this weekend, I went to the grocery store and bought a six-pack. Not a six-pack of beer, but a six-pack of mochi. It is my favorite way to eat ice cream, and I can’t help indulging in it occasionally. Mochi viscerally appeals to my urge to …
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People Debate The Cleanliness of Washing Meat

There are some types of Twitter discourse that will cycle in and out of relevance every couple of months until we die. Cleanliness is often a theme of these recurring Twitter discourses because nobody is on the same page regarding how to clean their bodies, their homes, or their food. The most famous instance was …
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Food Memes To Quell The Hunger

Sometimes, the only thing that will quench the hunger is a breakfast meal from McDonald’s. I don’t have the most refined pallet, so when I’m inconsolably hungry at 6 AM, McDonald’s breakfast is one of the only things I can think of. I’m aware that it is terrible for me. I do not eat it …
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15 Awful Examples of the Most Disgusting Pizzas Known to Man

The humble pizza has to be one of the most popular foods in the world. It’s difficult to find a person who can’t appreciate the charms of its winning formula. Unfortunately, it’s also one of those meals that suffers from success: it’s so famous and so popular that certain wretched cooks can’t help but mess …
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Waffle Memes For International Waffle Day (March 25, 2023)

Happy International Waffle Day, everyone! I know what you’re thinking: «International Waffle Day is a silly made-up holiday! If you don’t get a day off work for it, it’s not a real holiday!» I myself have also fallen into thought patterns like this. I woke up this morning thinking that the only reason International Waffle …
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