20+ Pairs Who Matched Each Other’s Freak, Getting More Niche as They Go

Once in a blue moon, a tweet comes around that activates every single fandom known to the internet. It’s usually a call so general, yet so compelling that it sends Stan Twitter running to their saved photo albums, searching for the perfect reply image of their chosen icon. It’s no small feat to get the …
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‘That’s such a Hufflepuff thing to say’: Harry Potter fans and haters react to Miriam Margolyes criticizing adult Harry Potter obsessives

When it comes to the Millennial legacy, there is one thing that will give avocado toast a run for its money. It’s the fact that this group is one of the first to be such devoted fans of their favorite childhood media when they grow up. I know there probably are some Boomers who are …
Seguir leyendo ‘That’s such a Hufflepuff thing to say’: Harry Potter fans and haters react to Miriam Margolyes criticizing adult Harry Potter obsessives

30 Worm-Tastic Dune Memes to Celebrate Dune 2

The long-awaited Dune 2 hit theaters this Friday, and folks had a lot to say, especially about the popcorn bucket. It’s already being hailed as one of the best sequels of all time, which is a huge feat considering I haven’t seen a good sequel since High School Musical 2. But audiences are clearly taken with Dune’s potent mix of …
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‘What if Hogwarts was in your state?’: Harry Potter fan uses AI to show what a school of witchcraft and wizardry looks like in different U.S. states

If you were ever a fan of Harry Potter or simply existed in the era when the books and movies were rolling out, then the thought has probably crossed your mind at least once or twice of what Hogwarts might be like in your own hometown. The series only shows a few European places, and …
Seguir leyendo ‘What if Hogwarts was in your state?’: Harry Potter fan uses AI to show what a school of witchcraft and wizardry looks like in different U.S. states

Star Behind Iconic Stan Twitter Meme Shares The Story Behind The Photo

A picture is worth a thousand words. And so is the case with the iconic pic that became a staple of stan Twitter, featuring a young woman fitted up in 2015’s best, giving a sassy pose that captured the internet’s hearts. It soon became a blank canvas for all sorts of fan posting, where users …
Seguir leyendo Star Behind Iconic Stan Twitter Meme Shares The Story Behind The Photo

30+ Star Wars Memes for Aficionados of the Force (November 1, 2023)

The Star Wars universe is one of those universes with infinite Halloween costume ideas within it. It hits as a reference for kids and adults and everyone in between. The first Star Wars film premiered 46 years ago. That means if you were 12 when it came out (a prime age to see it), you …
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25+ Star Wars Memes for Users of The Force (October 11, 2023)

The other day I saw someone covered head to toe in Star Wars tattoos and it was quite something. Don’t get me wrong, I like the Star Wars movies, but I can’t imagine ever being that intensely dedicated to a movie franchise. I wouldn’t even tattoo my soulmate’s name on my body, let alone a …
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‘As if you could outrun me’: 17+ Cursed and Cringey ‘Twilight’ Collectibles That’ll Watch You Sleep at Night

Severe fandoms, like the Twilight franchise, have some of the most insane followers. With the books, the movies, and the spin-offs clogging the entertainment waterways of our lives since the early 2000s, we’re bound to see some backlash in the collectible department. That’s right– MERCH. Sometimes folks just want to bring home a tiny piece …
Seguir leyendo ‘As if you could outrun me’: 17+ Cursed and Cringey ‘Twilight’ Collectibles That’ll Watch You Sleep at Night

Twitter Users Discuss the Fictional Characters Who Have Suffered the Most

The world of fiction isn’t always a kind one. Sure, there are fantastical tales of love, success, and maybe even magic. But there are also some really screwed-up fictional universes, in which suffering is more common than merely existing. I, for one, didn’t understand how anyone could even play pretend without inflicting a world of …
Seguir leyendo Twitter Users Discuss the Fictional Characters Who Have Suffered the Most