Bored government worker complains they were given a $20k salary increase to do ‘literally nothing,’ while some claim it’s a dream job: ‘Use the facilities, use the benefits’

All the rage this spring… high paying low effort dumb email jobs. Those who have them are the envy of their friends. Everyone’s selling their soul to try to get one. But for real, sometimes the highest-paying jobs are the ones that require the least amount of effort. It’s one of the dirty little secrets of the corporate …
Seguir leyendo Bored government worker complains they were given a $20k salary increase to do ‘literally nothing,’ while some claim it’s a dream job: ‘Use the facilities, use the benefits’

‘I have 8 years of experience, and I’m not finding a job’: Computer programmers complain their degree isn’t the cash cow it once was, giving humanities folks schadenfreude

The feud between STEM kids and humanities kids is long and storied. In a society where you’re made to feel you’re either one or the other at a very young age, the division becomes as real as cat people vs dog people. And both sides have grievances. Humanities kids are generally jealous of the economic …
Seguir leyendo ‘I have 8 years of experience, and I’m not finding a job’: Computer programmers complain their degree isn’t the cash cow it once was, giving humanities folks schadenfreude

‘The absolute state of the LinkedIn community’: Hypocritical CEO attempts to champion Gen Z by decrying rent prices and £21k salaries, offers similar salaries at his company

LinkedIn is a wild, wild place, full of high school classmates becoming junior analysts, CEOs performatively crying about having to fire their employees, and most of all, people doing the best they can to sound… good. We all know social media is fake, and everyone tries to put their best foot forward, but if Instagram is a fib then LinkedIn is a flat-out …
Seguir leyendo ‘The absolute state of the LinkedIn community’: Hypocritical CEO attempts to champion Gen Z by decrying rent prices and £21k salaries, offers similar salaries at his company

‘No children in the home younger than 16’: Job posting advertises crazy, Orwellian work-from-home stipulations

The ability to work from home has been a huge boon for many of the workers of the world. Over-surveillance hasn’t. The nice thing about working from home is not having to commute, spend money on lunch, and have to put on shoes. But it also adds a nice level of flexibility. If your kid needs something, or if you …
Seguir leyendo ‘No children in the home younger than 16’: Job posting advertises crazy, Orwellian work-from-home stipulations

‘Absolutely report her and her business’: Shady birthday party company requires 8 weeks of free labor from teenage employees

Getting your first job can be exciting. It feels like a step toward independence, having your own money, and making your own way in the world. It can also be a frightening awakening to the grim realities of the adult working world. My first job was a bundle of interesting experiences. I had an eccentric …
Seguir leyendo ‘Absolutely report her and her business’: Shady birthday party company requires 8 weeks of free labor from teenage employees

‘I woke up to $500 in charges on my credit card’: PlayStation bans gamer for getting scammed, he makes parent company fly him to California

If we were to ask gamers about how they would describe many gaming companies, ‘good customer service’ would not always be at the top of the list. One of the downsides of having video games as an interest is that the relationship between distributor and consumer is not always the most friendly, and many gamers …
Seguir leyendo ‘I woke up to $500 in charges on my credit card’: PlayStation bans gamer for getting scammed, he makes parent company fly him to California

‘One of the more humiliating staples of the Minimum Wage Job Search ritual’: People ponder tricky interview questions for entry level jobs

For most of us, the entry-level job has been a necessary evil. Nobody wants to hire somebody for something better unless they have experience (or some excellent nepotistic connections that most of us aren’t blessed with). Unfortunately, employers are aware of this and often enjoy making the whole process as demeaning as possible. What convoluted …
Seguir leyendo ‘One of the more humiliating staples of the Minimum Wage Job Search ritual’: People ponder tricky interview questions for entry level jobs

‘She called me ‘titleless»: Recruiter gushes over applicant for 1st half of job interview, bashes her experience for the 2nd half

It’s not common for a job interviewer to tell you exactly what they think of you during the interview. You’re often left guessing whether they like you or not purely on vibes. In my experience, the vibes of the interviewer are a much more perceptive way to tell if you’re going to get the job …
Seguir leyendo ‘She called me ‘titleless»: Recruiter gushes over applicant for 1st half of job interview, bashes her experience for the 2nd half

‘They told me about their severance packages in the first interview’: Employees Share Most Entertaining Job Interview Stories

Ding, ding… Alarm bells go off in my head anytime I hear the phrase, ‘Though there are set hours, most employees stay extra so to show they’re committed to this job’. Another big red flag is when the interviewer seems disinterested or unprepared. If they haven’t looked over my resume, or if they’re asking basic …
Seguir leyendo ‘They told me about their severance packages in the first interview’: Employees Share Most Entertaining Job Interview Stories

‘You’re an idiot…It’s no wonder you did not finish college’: Recruiter berates interviewee for not showing up to interview he scheduled incorrectly

There are all kinds of recruiters in the world. You might have a call with a recruiter that will lead to an incredibly meaningful professional relationship, even if you don’t get the job. There are many more recruiters that will be so unmemorable you won’t recall their names a week after talking to them for …
Seguir leyendo ‘You’re an idiot…It’s no wonder you did not finish college’: Recruiter berates interviewee for not showing up to interview he scheduled incorrectly