28 Mouth Watering Memes That Leave You Wanting More

There’s nothing quite like sucking down a sour candy. I remember picking up Toxic Waste when I was a child– a yellow container full of the sourest little hard candies known to man. Just looking at them would make your mouth water, and throwing one in your mouth would unlock a world of sourness the likes of which I had never experienced before.  I was addicted to them. Why do kids love sour so much? I think it’s because there’s so little we’re allowed to experience in life, so we really hold onto the things we could. It was a transformative moment, to put one of those in your mouth. 

I haven’t tasted one in years, and I have to wonder if it would still be that intense, or if it would be like watching a scary movie from the 80s. I guess there’s only one way to find out. Too bad I’m busy looking at these memes. 

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